Why did they die?


Fish Crazy
Aug 30, 2023
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia
I hadn't checked on my fish for a day they are on a auto feeder so they were all good in that sense but when I checked on them today I found my male guppy dead and one female guppy dead. Water parameters were fine the female was not eating the day before but male looked fine. Thought the female had just given birth as a couple days before it was gravid and fat. But obviously not the reason it wasn't eating. Pictures of the dead fish below.



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How long have you had them? It looks like a bacterial infection to me, though that is a pure guess. Dead fish discolouration says little.

Were you by chance slacking on water changes? Auto-feeders are notoriously over generous sometimes, and water pollution leads to disease. The fact you thought she was gravid might point to kidney failure, with her being unable to clear water from her body and swelling.
I have had them about 3 weeks and was doing weekly water changes of about 15 percent due to ot being so lowly stocked I thought that would be fine. Here is a picture of the female before she died. She did always seem to be more skittish then the rwt.
She was gravid. 3 weeks put them into the usual quarantine range, so it may have been something they brought in with them.
Ok thanks. Is it common for guts or bladder stick out after the die asthats what happened with the female asper the picture in first post of the thread.
That's a prolapse - effectively a hernia where the intestinal wall was weak and separated. It kills the fish, though it can be slow. It's not something caused by you - just random bad luck/bad genetics.
Ok and do you reckon the male possibly died from a disease. Sorry about all the questions just trying to get my head around it.

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