Why Did My Fish Die? 5 Today


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
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OMG i did my usual water change today and 5 of my fish died and some look like they are struggling for survival.
I have 125 gal tank with cichlids. Had it for about 4 months now with no problems. Every 2 weeks i do about 10-15% water change. Its always been fine. Today i did it and i just looked at my tank and 5 of the fish are dead. I had total of 12 in there. What happened? why did they die? Was the water i added bad or something?
its quite possible, perhaps something has polluted your water? What did you use to fill the tank, i only ask as a friend had a similar thing, turned out his bucked he used for filling was used during the week by his mother and she used detergents in it which probably did the damage, also check your water parameters from the tap as maybe your water source has had something contaminate it?
What are your current ammonia/nitrite/nitrate levels?

Have you been using any aersol sprays near the tank?

Could you describe exactly what the fish are/were doing?

Did you use dechlorinator when you changed your water?

I'm going to move this to the emergency section so you hopefully get some more help. :good:
How often do you do water changes??? Did you add enough dechlore to the new water. I always add a bit more then needed.
How often do you do water changes??? Did you add enough dechlore to the new water. I always add a bit more then needed.

My nitrite/nitrate was way to high...4 fish left...hope i can save them.
what are the water stats dude? i've just managed to get over the exact same problem myself. im thinkin the water changes your doing arent enough. anybody else agree? i've been told on here to do 10-15% EACH WEEK. or 20-25% every two weeks. the first option being better.
Yeah - I do closer to 20 to 25% each week - depending how what fish and how many are in each tank.

I would start doing daily changes. Start with a good size change right now (30% to 50%) and then drop them down to normal size, but daily and test each day right before you do the change. Record your results and watch them carefully. After you have gotten thing more stable drop back to normal water changes, but STILL test the water every day for a few days after in case of a spike. It also sounds like you should get an Amonia test kit. These are great as you can often head other problems off before they damage your fish much. Remeber - you start with HIGH amonia THEN the bacteria changes it into Nitrite and Nitrate. Before that your fish has suffered through high Amonia!
If you are now down to 4 from 12 i would be doing a big water change to remove whatever it is that is killing them, i.e. a 50 to 75% water change ASAP
its quite possible, perhaps something has polluted your water? What did you use to fill the tank, i only ask as a friend had a similar thing, turned out his bucked he used for filling was used during the week by his mother and she used detergents in it which probably did the damage, also check your water parameters from the tap as maybe your water source has had something contaminate it?

Oh - of course, if this is the problem then you will need a new bucket FIRST, but STILL do the water changes!
its quite possible, perhaps something has polluted your water? What did you use to fill the tank, i only ask as a friend had a similar thing, turned out his bucked he used for filling was used during the week by his mother and she used detergents in it which probably did the damage, also check your water parameters from the tap as maybe your water source has had something contaminate it?

Oh - of course, if this is the problem then you will need a new bucket FIRST, but STILL do the water changes!
Agreed get a new bucket or hose and label it for fish water only. I found a beauty of a coil hose that i use only to fill my 55G and do water changes.

Get er Done!!! Do some big water changes if you want to save your fish.

Good luck btw i hope the 4 left make it.

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