Why Did My Cory Die.


Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Last night my favourite Emerald Cory died :-( . I was watching him and just before he died he swam quite fast around in circles then layed on his side and then passed away. What could of happened to him there were no signs of visible illness although it hadnt been very active in the last two days hiding . Tested the water NITRITE is 0 and AMMONIA is 0. Anyone know what might have happened. Thanks
Nitrate can be dangerous too in high amounts. What about water temperature and other tankmates? Anything that would stress it out?
What did his barbels look like, did he alter in colour, sorry for your loss, R.I.P.
Tank temp is 27 degrees, he didnt change colour befor he died. He wasnt very active for a few days before he died. He had plenty of places to hid so he didnt get bothered by other fish. I noticed its belly looked a bit fat but i thought that could be due to the fact they had frozen bloodworm the day before.

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