Why did my betta die?


Fish Crazy
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
South Wales
I got a betta last sunday on thursday he died, he did have white spot but I was treating him for it. I did a 10% water change before I got him on that day. I did test the water after he died and amonia was a little high but thats all, surely that little bit of amonia didn't kill him?

He was in the tank that is in my siggy.
Male bettas do not do well in community tanks and often get very stressed and suffer and with whitespot to cope with on top of that would have made his chances of survival very slim, whitespot being a lethal desease as it is.
What was your ammonia level and nitrate and nitrites?
It totally is based on the Bettas personality, and some Betta boys can thrive in a community tank. Some cannot. But it was white spot that killed your boy whether it be from stress or from something else is questionable :D
Yar, with the platies especially he would have got tired quickly becasue of flaring at them. As said before, some bettas do better than others in a comm. tank, eg Hannibal can't have any tankmates, I put him in the community for a bit (which only has cories in) and he went nuts flaring at them. But Vespasians in the community now, and he's doing great.
Nitrate and nitrite were 0 but amonia was a little high can't remember the number. First trouble of ammonia i've had in my tank. He didn't bother the other fish at all so i think as you said it must have been the white spot.
Looking at the situation i think it was the whitespot; i would continue treatment at least for the next week even if there are no visably affected fish and even so i would avoid getting a replacement fish for 2weeks after that as whitespot can have a habit of returning back after it has been a seemingly eliminated and a new fish would be most vunerable from such a second bout as they will be stressed from the move and having to find a place in the current pecking order amoungst your fish.
Sorry for your loss.
I would double check the ammonia again though to see what number its at.

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