Why Bullmastiffs Should Be Banned!

I didn't see that you had written this thread, I thought KathyM will do her nut when she reads that! Dharma is lovely. Apparently Dalmations are pretty gassy too. :lol:

I can most definately vouch for that our old dally could clear a room, cause all windows an doors to be opened and my gran even asked me to put on her wee fan and air dehumidifier in an attempt to get clean air once!

Gorgeous dog I love mastiff unfortunately just wouldnt have the space/time for one right now!
I was all there for the defending of the breed then but then I opened the pageand just got AWWWWWWWWWWWWW how cute is that! Also Chez is a bit sexy too!
My border collie can clear a room too but he's not all that bad! xx
i wanna dog that can operate the washer :lol:

I've got one that skateboards AND does the washing up, and I've got the photographic evidence so ner!


Washing up...


"Let's get that the right way up..."


"You put yer left leg on"





Thanks all of you :D
Well that's the Christmas washing up sorted, you can send her round mine with a bottle of Fairy ;)

Sky doesn't "do" work. She has slaves for that. :rolleyes:

Washing up...

I nominate this one for POTM.

Great post, I thought this was going to be drama too, but nope, no drama. :lol:

But, I will tell you this, big things come in tiny packages. When my sister's Pomeranian, Charlie, passes gas! Ewwwww! That is stinky! You wouldn't think that, but it's enough to really make you :sick: He has earned the nick name "Stinky butt"

It's those toys, they are so bad. :lol:

llj :)
aw, very cute... but why is it that bully breeds have the worst farts? :crazy:

LOL i've got a farter 2

she's a little boxer
when i learn to upload pics i'll show you

yeah my boxer clears the room on a regular basis...a few of her other charming habits include snoring, barking in her sleep, drooling, and woofing her food down without chewing it as if we were starving her to death (which might explain the atomic farts!). but she's my baby! there's a pic of her in my sig!
aw, very cute... but why is it that bully breeds have the worst farts? :crazy:

LOL i've got a farter 2

she's a little boxer
when i learn to upload pics i'll show you

yeah my boxer clears the room on a regular basis...a few of her other charming habits include snoring, barking in her sleep, drooling, and woofing her food down without chewing it as if we were starving her to death (which might explain the atomic farts!). but she's my baby! there's a pic of her in my sig!

LOL Sprout (boxer)'s talents include sticking her toungue up our nose, stealing food off our plate, the "gimme" game where she steals something of ours and makes us chase her around the house, burping, drooling (in her sleep!!!!!!) :drool: And SNORING SO FREAKIN LOUD....... and the list goes on.

Ah, the joys of having a boxer......
Yeah but do they bark at their bums when they fart? Sky does :D <-- see how proud I am? My dog has a talent :lol:

Hah! that's nothing. My tibetan spaniel will sneeze on command. She goes "atishoo" in a most dainty and ladylike way.
I had my first encounter with a Bullmastiff Adult and Puppy this week and i must say they are wonderful
i had never met one, and i was wary as i heard they were big, but as soon as i saw the dog (which was thundering towards me, tail wagging) i couldnt have been more in love!

i found it amusing that when i tried to go home, the adult simply stood infront of me and leant on me, not letting me pass until i had given her sufficiant attention - she did drool all over my jeans tho lol!

darling dogs! a bit big for me to ever have (im small lol) but a great dog all the same!
aw, very cute... but why is it that bully breeds have the worst farts? :crazy:

LOL i've got a farter 2

she's a little boxer
when i learn to upload pics i'll show you

yeah my boxer clears the room on a regular basis...a few of her other charming habits include snoring, barking in her sleep, drooling, and woofing her food down without chewing it as if we were starving her to death (which might explain the atomic farts!). but she's my baby! there's a pic of her in my sig!

LOL Sprout (boxer)'s talents include sticking her toungue up our nose, stealing food off our plate, the "gimme" game where she steals something of ours and makes us chase her around the house, burping, drooling (in her sleep!!!!!!) :drool: And SNORING SO FREAKIN LOUD....... and the list goes on.

Ah, the joys of having a boxer......

haha at least your dog only sticks her tongue up your nose...mine sticks it in our mouths! just get a little too close with your mouth slightly open...and before you know it she slips you the tongue! haha yeah it's kinda gross. you just haven't lived until you've frenched a boxer haha

Yeah but do they bark at their bums when they fart? Sky does <-- see how proud I am? My dog has a talent

I have to admit, that IS pretty talented! you dog wins the best farter award! haha

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