Why breed?


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
I was just wondering what reasons people have for breeding fish. So spill the beans...
Hi jiffy :)

That's an excellent question :thumbs:

I raise corydoras catfish because it's something I enjoy doing. It also subsidizes my hobby, but to a very limited extent.

So far, I've raised C. aeneus (both bronze and albino), C. panda, and C. sterbai. In the future, I hope to have success with many other kinds of cory cats. :wub:
The experience, bragging rights, money, enjoyment, increasing the number of fish, because we can.:D
It is the ultimate in fishkeeping. To be able to get small fish at an LFS bring them home, watch them grow and then have them create baby fish....awesome :nod: Where else can you experience the circle of life so easily and have a hand in it as well. Some breed fish for money, others for pride, some for enjoyment but whatever the reason, do it because it is just the right thing to do, To give back to the hobby is the best way to keep it viable and healthy. :)
I do it to do my bit for the enviroment....

If i can breed fish (the more unusual the better) less will need to be taken from the wild...

Just about to ask for some advice too ;)
If my fish are breeding, this tells me that they are healthy, and happy, with the way they are being kept. It tells me that I am doing what is right for them, and if I can trade a few that I have bred back to the lfs for some food, they are just repaying the favor. I'm not seeing any fish breeders on the Fortune 500 list!
Thanks for your answers everyone. There were somethings that people mentioned that I didn't even think of, like just the pride factor. That is really no different than someone that babies their car, just a form of a hobby. Itty Bitty, lol free fish, how simple but true.

aberdeen - like you mentioned with fish that just breed like crazy, what do you all do when you have alot of fry but no where for them or no "interest" in having more of that type of fish?
By Accident. i bought some mollies and after a week i had 9 little mollies...my other mollies are pregnant also...didnt know when i bought them as im pretty new at keeping fish...now im so proud of my babies(7 survived) they have doubled in size and are a welcome addition to my tank. (dont know what im gonna do when my other mollies have their fry though) its a good job i have a large tank(55 gallon)
all this fry talk makes me sad. all my fish miscarige :(
we havent been too successful in raising any baby fish YET. but just to know the fish in your tank feel happy & comfortable enough to want to breed is brilliant. our danio females are always spawning- just a damn shame the other tank cannibals get in there too quick & munch the eggs. we need a breeding trap!!! we have a shrimp at the moment who is carrying eggs & with all the rock caves/hidey holes in our tank we have our fingers well crossed that maybe maybe some will survive!!!! we'd be thrilled if they did :D

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