Fish Herder
I was wondering why veiltials are so common as compared to other types. Since I am trying to breed betta's myself, it would seem that the cost of the parent fish is not that significant compared to the work that will have to be done afterwards to raise them.
Halfmoon breeders also sell the Delta offspring (90-95%) or the offspring when breeding Halfmoons for a lower price. So I would think there would be plenty of affordable halfmoon geno's in the market.
I got a trio of inexpensive crowntails (1 male and 2 female @ $3ea.) and plan to cull and improve this line. Male is opaque so I am hoping to get even just a few nice male opaques.
I have nothing against veiltails. I think they are nice looking betta's.
I understand why halfmoons command a higher price, since only 5-10% of any spawn will be halfmoons, but it would not seem to be harder to breed crowns and delta's than it would to breed veiltails.
Halfmoon breeders also sell the Delta offspring (90-95%) or the offspring when breeding Halfmoons for a lower price. So I would think there would be plenty of affordable halfmoon geno's in the market.
I got a trio of inexpensive crowntails (1 male and 2 female @ $3ea.) and plan to cull and improve this line. Male is opaque so I am hoping to get even just a few nice male opaques.
I have nothing against veiltails. I think they are nice looking betta's.
I understand why halfmoons command a higher price, since only 5-10% of any spawn will be halfmoons, but it would not seem to be harder to breed crowns and delta's than it would to breed veiltails.