Why Are They Sooooo Small?


Fish Crazy
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Leicester ( uk )
Hay Guys,

Again need some advice guys,

I have some Fry Platy which are 1 month & 3 weeks old...Very cute and very well!!!

But... they are so so so small still like a 1cm, is this right or is something wrong???

The water is fine, tested plenty of times...I'm doing a lot of water changes...so cannot understand why they are not growing!!!

They are eating baby brine shrimp, and seem fine with this... they are in a UK 5 Gallon tank.

Does anyone know/ or had this problem b4???

Cheers Guys H3 :) :) :)
Ah. I'd feed more often, preferably 4-6 times a day. They have tiny stomachs, so they can't each much in one go, but it goes through them fast. :)

As the older ones get bigger, you'll probably want to move some out, otherwise it could become a bit crowded for the younger batch.
Totally agree with what Annastasia said but just to add something else,do you change the water often enough in your fry tank? I would recommend doing a 25% every other day in any of my fry tanks and you will see how much they grow in just a week!!
that seems very tiny for their age my mollies which are roughly a similar size as adults are almost half the size of the adults and only a month old!, are you feeding them exclusively on baby brine shrimp? I know my guppies and mollies seemed to stay small in a breeding trap but once let loose into the main fry tank which is just over 7 uk gallons they grew quite fast,

I'd agree with upping how much they eat I have only just dropped down to 3 meals a day from 6 small feeds (and now some of them are large enough to be in my main tanks so they get to really fight for food.) with all levels constantly checked for nitrites etc. I preferred giving them little and often and they ate it.
I started mine on liquifry 2 then after a few days started them onto tetramin baby flakes and brine shrimp eggs

Now I give mine a mix of brine shrimp eggs, frozen baby brine shrimp, bloodworm and daphnia and also tetramin baby flakes. and as their in with the adults they also eat some of the smaller flakes that I put in for them

theres also another food that is supposed to be a good growth food by nutrafin fry food and its specifically a live bearer one my friend swears by it but the name escapes me of what its properly called sure someone here will know the one I mean

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