Why Are They Dieing?

Resting for long periods, darkening in colour, pale fish, can also be signs of a bacterial infections.

Do you have any bacterial meds.

The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease.<br /><br /><br />FLINK/>http://www.fishyportal.com/cgi-bin/pub/diag?c=v&id=49<br /><br
Resting for long periods, darkening in colour, pale fish, can also be signs of a bacterial infections.

Do you have any bacterial meds.

The third type of infection produced by Aeromonas is by no means the least. This form is often the most virulent (potent) and can be rapidly fatal. This insidious form does not produce any noticeable external ulcers. The most notable feature is a behavioral change in which the infected fish generally become listless and lethargic. Some fish may lose color or appear darker. The fish do not feed, frequently seem off balance and may sink to the bottom laying on their sides. The course of the disease is rapid, and by the time the behavioral changes are noticed, the entire population of a tank may succumb, sometimes in a day or so. This is an internal infection, with the bacteria being found in the kidneys and blood of these fish. The bacteria produce potent toxins that account for the severity of the disease.<br /><br /><br />FLINK/>http://www.fishyportal.com/cgi-bin/pub/diag?c=v&id=49<br /><br

And you've just nailed what Is now happening in my tank and I've lost another platy and now another Molly 5 mins ago what meds do I need to treat this Desiese ?? As my lfs won't be open till 9am tomorrow.

I'm seriously not impressed

And thank you everyone for your replies I really appreciate your help
There a medication called furanol 2 by JBL. But it will wipe the good bacteria out in your filter.
Will get you some information on the medication.


You can buy the medication here.
Most LFS don't stock it.

As I stayed earlier I couldn't tell you them as my test kit had run out and what I had left was isurficiant to even do half a test I'm not mugging you off I will post the results as soon as I have them.

I've had no chance of getting to my lfs for a water test where i got the fish from is at least 20 miles from where I live and I've been waiting for my mate to take me as I have no car I promise I will put water stats up as soon as I have them.

And Surely If all my fish have the Desiese as they seem o be dropping like flys.

And by the rate my fish are dying I won't have any left by the time I get back from my lfs to start the meds.

Wouldn't it be more beneficial to basically shut down my tank and deep clean everything and start again, as the fish I have will more than likely die because of their weakend state and in my eyes isn't fair to them

Thank you again for your replies and I will be informing the lfs often findings and maybe they will listen to me this time and not sell any fish from the tank I got them from
Fish will show these signs on bad water quality.
Gasping, laboured breathing.
Flicking and rubbing.
Turning up side down.
Swimming in circles.
Excess mucas on gills, fins.
Greyish film on fish.
Red inflamed gills, pale gills, lilac gills.
Red steaking on body, fins.
Clamped fins.
Fish will look pale.
Eventually listless and lethargic.

Are any of your fish showing the above symptoms.

Are all the fish sick now in the tank?

I think for now I would do a good gravel vac, water change.
Thank you again for your replies and I will be informing the lfs often findings and maybe they will listen to me this time and not sell any fish from the tank I got them from.

Again you're taking the wrong approach. The I've read through each of your posts and it's quite clear that the problem is inside your tank NOT the lfs. You seem convinced that your water is fine yet you have been testing with lit strips. These strips simply can not give you any idea of what's going on in your tank. Here is a link to the best testing kit out there: My link

With no visible injuries i'd say your having a nitrite spike. Yup that's just an uninformed guess but that's what it seems to be and we wont know until you get a good test kit and get the results.
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Thank you again for your replies and I will be informing the lfs often findings and maybe they will listen to me this time and not sell any fish from the tank I got them from.

Again you're taking the wrong approach. The I've read through each of your posts and it's quite clear that the problem is inside your tank NOT the lfs. You seem convinced that your water is fine yet you have been testing with lit strips. These strips simply can not give you any idea of what's going on in your tank. Here is a link to the best testing kit out there: My link

With no visible injuries i'd say your having a nitrite spike. Yup that's just an uninformed guess but that's what it seems to be and we wont know until you get a good test kit and get the results.

I've just gone through my posts as I didn't remember saying anything about test strips and god don't you love auto correct on iPhones so I do apologise as its my fault as didn't check post properly

I have run out on most of the important tests and only have maybe a drop or 2 of other tests so there is not enough for me to test my water properly I will get it tested to morrow and I will write down every result of every test.

When I went to the lfs they tested the water in front of me, I stood there on the second time for nearly half an hour while they tested my water for all sorts so they didn't have to replace my dead fish they are renowned for being very strict on water tests if anything is out they will not refund/ replace the fish and for 2 staff members to say your water is perfect is obv telling me something that my water is fine.

I'm currently watching yet another one of my prised female Molly's dying the only way I can describe is that she is now paralysed only her front fins are working and she is now nose down in my sand and her tail fin up to surface of the water.

Ill try to get a quick vid as I've now got to put her out of her misery.

I'm going back there tomorrow with my water as my mate has arranged to take me there.

Wilder has described exactly what has been happening in my tank today

This is destroying me to see this happen one by one I'm noticing my fish loose their colours ( bright red platys turning yellow on their heads mollys goinh completly lifeless ) and their behaviour change and plummet in health.

I'm now guessing that the last of my stock 12 fish out of 40 will be dead by the morning

Here's the link to quick vid that I done on my iPhone 5 so apologise if quality is not very clear http://i425.photobucket.com/albums/pp339/basboi85/CB9DFBC4-8A5B-4BE3-8196-A48F0A888FAA-2488-00000365A3D4EB94.mp4

And thank you for the link very much appreciated
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Fish will show these signs on bad water quality.
Gasping, laboured breathing.
Flicking and rubbing.
Turning up side down.
Swimming in circles.
Excess mucas on gills, fins.
Greyish film on fish.
Red inflamed gills, pale gills, lilac gills.
Red steaking on body, fins.
Clamped fins.
Fish will look pale.
Eventually listless and lethargic.

Are any of your fish showing the above symptoms.

Are all the fish sick now in the tank?

I think for now I would do a good gravel vac, water change.

None of my fish are showing any of the above symptoms as I know these are main symptoms for poor water quality and I've come downstairs from bed to find a platy dead with its stomach missing and a wild type guppy dead and that's all I can see.

I have sand in my tank and I cleaned my tank when I done the water change the other day as well as sucking up every bit of waste from the Sand as well as turning it over and I never had and trapped gases as I do a 1/3 water change every week and I turn my sand every week.

As Molly's are messy( waste) Fish and it does get very unsightly.

I'm going to do a big water change very soon hopefully it will help
Could be swim bladder looking at that video any more swimming head/tail up/down
They all do this just before they die since I've added the gourami's.

2 have floated up and down with their noses up to the water surface.

But give a hour before this happens they are swmming happily and eating fine.
As promised water stats done by my lfs today

Ph. 7.2 raised .2 since Thursday
No2. very slight trace ( barely changed the colour)
Nh3. 0
NO3 70

So somehow my nitrates had risen dramatically since adding the fish

The manager and I talked for ages as to why and left us both stumped as the nitrates should have risen by the second water change but didn't ???

And yet they are still high enoug (past 75mg/)l so shouldn't have killed my fish.

He's willingly Said he will replace my fish bar 2 which was a sailfin Molly and another but can't remember which as well as he would replace the gourami's but I'm unsure whether to get them again.

We both said that no fish would leave the shop until the nitrates had disappeared but he could only come up with a idea that the water company had put extra chemicals in the tap water which could have caused it but he said they had records of what fish had died ect but wouldn't show me the results of how many from that tank and funny enough the gourami's had been moved to another tank ( hmmm suspicious much) and even more ammo behind me was that all 30! Molly fry I took in before the gourami's come home to me are all alive ( funny that )

I've done a big water change and I'm picking up my new test kit tomorrow as I get paid tomorrow so i will keep updated with stats

Many thanks for all replies

Cheers chris "aka basboi85"
Thank you for the update.
What is your tap nitrate reading?

Most reactions
