(journal on it: https://www.fishforums.net/threads/5-gallon-fluval-spec-v.472852/)
I have a 5 gallon fish tank with 2 guppies, 2 dwarf rasboras, 1 cardinal that I was misled to buy, 6 cherries, 3 assassin snails, 1 ramshorn and a bunch of baby rams horns that the assassins are killing. I noticed yesterday that the biggest shrimp was swimming up to the top and then to plants, then rest, then repeat. I then noticed a second one doing this, but after the first had stopped. Then, a male did it a few times and stopped, never doing it at the same time as others. Now, I noticed a smaller female just did it. Anyone know why they are doing it? Is it because of bad water or is it the mating behaviour?
I have a 5 gallon fish tank with 2 guppies, 2 dwarf rasboras, 1 cardinal that I was misled to buy, 6 cherries, 3 assassin snails, 1 ramshorn and a bunch of baby rams horns that the assassins are killing. I noticed yesterday that the biggest shrimp was swimming up to the top and then to plants, then rest, then repeat. I then noticed a second one doing this, but after the first had stopped. Then, a male did it a few times and stopped, never doing it at the same time as others. Now, I noticed a smaller female just did it. Anyone know why they are doing it? Is it because of bad water or is it the mating behaviour?