Why Are My Fry Just Laying There?


Aug 8, 2005
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So the fry in my second spawn can't stay in the nest and they aren't free swimming yet so most of them are all laying on the dirty bottom of the tank and not moving, I hope they are still alive. He doesn't seem to pick them up at all, he only picks up ones that are on the way down... Will they be able to get up by themselves or is there anything I can/should do? Any help would be great because I don't want to lose these ones too :-(
Usually dads finnage will create a current that inspires them to get up when he swims overhead close enough. Otherwise....it doesn't sound too good. Just wait it out. I've had fry survive off the bottom.

ETA~ Do you have air bubbles going into the tank? Turning it up a hair might help.
only some of them are moving but I will add the filter and see how it goes.
A filter might be too clumsy at this point in time, just add airline tubing with a bubble per second or so'ish (Yes, that's a word!) This way you can just slip it in without upsetting dad.

Orrr, you can just take a turkey baster, squueeze out the air and hold the bulb, put it in the water and gently suck up some water and gently squeeze towards the bottom, this should work marvels and stir up the fry. That's what I do when I pull fathers early.
yeah it just ruined his nest
oi... I don't think I'm meant for this. beebees look okay though
How old are they? What kind of filter did you put in?

Tie the airline tubing in a knot to regulate the air flow if you don't have a valve to adjust it. He should clean up the mess and put them back, just try not to bother him too much. And if he's doing a really crappy job, yank him.

ETA~ right now every store that carries Christmas stuff should have a box of xmas light clips. They're the most essential accessory for fry tanks imo. They just suction cup on to the side and the clip is the perfect device for holding airline tubing in place. You can pick them up for like .50
they hatched liek 2 days ago, they are fine, he's doing a grand job trying to get them back together, I pulled the filter back out, I'll just use a turkey baster in a little bet when everything is settled. His nest just kind of spread all over the place. He'll be fine I'm sure. I do have a valve on the filter but I don't want the babies sucked up or anything, so I pulled it out. Thanks so much, I think I'm better off leaving them like his. It's sad that half of them are on the bottom, maybe it's the water?
Some just don't make it, survival of the fittest. If they DO die, you'll most likely never know if you leave him in. They clean up the dead ones better than the live ones sometimes :S

Good luck! And at two days, you're almost there!
What do you mean "they" lol?
yeah we're almost there, I just feel like I have such bad luck :( But I guess you have to start somewhere.
lol that's what I thought. Sorry I'm kind of blah, looong day and lots of frustrations lol.
Yeah he's swimming over them now, and many of them look dead. Like 1/3 to 2/3... I wonder why though. Obviously some will die but last night there weren't nearly as many as now. My pH is like 7.4 I think and well I just changed some water before I released them both on friday. It is aged water which I've dechlorinated, but probably not the cleanest. All my adult fish are doing fine in it. The temperature is steady over 80F. :no:

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