Ok unfortunately my last goldfish didn't make it through the night. I'm really frustrated and sad and I wish I at least knew what the problem was so I could fix it.
I tested water and got
pH 6.4
Ammonia 0.1
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10-20
I am leading towards something toxic in the tank. Everything EXCEPT the gravel was already in the tank. So maybe gravel is a good place to start.
IF it is the gravel, how would I best deal with this?
I was actually going to suggest a tear-down of the tank. I had to do this once, due to an unknown toxin when nothing else worked.
Drain the tank, discard the gravel (you can use this in your landscaping perhaps, if you have a house) and the decor. For substrate I would suggest play sand; I have this in all my 8 tanks now, and wish I had gone to it much earlier. I don't know where you live, but in NA you can buy Quikrete Play Sand at Home Depot and Lowe's. A 25 kg bag cost a few dollars, and would be enough for your 200 liter tank, though a second bag for a bit extra wouldn't hurt. For decor, I would get some chunks of wood, like Malaysian Driftwood.
Also replace all removable media from the filter, as this could pick up toxins.