Fish Fanatic
I have lost 7 fish in the past 3 days in my 55gallon tank. I recently added some fish because it has just finished cycling, (0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, ~20 nitrates). I originally had 2 cories and 1 angelfish, and I then added 6 more cories and a bn pleco, and had no problems. A few weeks later (last weekend) I added 10 diamond tetra and a pair of German Blue rams, and some new plants. I have since lost 4 cories, both of the rams, and a tetra. They have shown no signs of illness or anything at all, they are perfectly fine up until the moment I find them dead. Testing my tank now I see .25 amonia, .25 nitrites and around 20 nitrates. I blame the slight rise in ammonia and nitrites on the dead fish, and the amount of fish I added at once. I assume that whatever this is came home with the new fish and/or the plants, but considering there are no warning signs I don't know what to treat for or if I should quarantine anyone. Please help, I don't want to lose any more fish!