Whos Spawning What?

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all my plans seem to be going to pot at the moment, im holding off spawning till i get my own flat.. then i can have all the tanks i want/can afford to run :lol:

i had plans for my BOVT.. but thats gone down the pan...literaly...
i was planning to breed my HM again, but he has a sudden and very severe case of finrot which he is being treated for, so il have to put him off. but once he is better, he will go with a yellow delta girl i have.

i have a pink marble vt boy and a similarly coloured pk girl.. they MAY go to gether. but i thisnk she may go with my new black marble pk male (thanks shell :good: )
all my plans seem to be going to pot at the moment, im holding off spawning till i get my own flat.. then i can have all the tanks i want/can afford to run :lol:

i had plans for my BOVT.. but thats gone down the pan...literaly...
i was planning to breed my HM again, but he has a sudden and very severe case of finrot which he is being treated for, so il have to put him off. but once he is better, he will go with a yellow delta girl i have.

i have a pink marble vt boy and a similarly coloured pk girl.. they MAY go to gether. but i thisnk she may go with my new black marble pk male (thanks shell :good: )

:blush: NP hun

Sorry again about you BOVT, he was a stunner
have a mahachai spawn that's about 6 weeks old now. they seem grow slower than betta splendens. most if not all are less than 1/2 inch at this point
i have 23 babies that will be 6 weeks old on saterday. they are from my double ray ct male Spaz he is tourcoise blue with a little red on the tips, and their mom is a pretty tourcoise blue ct . hope fully my next spawn will happen in the next few days. the male is a dark forest metalick green with a hint of royal blue, and hes over half moon, with a teal hm female, that matches his color nicely thier names are.........
Forest and Teal....yea im not really good at the naming thing... haha :blush:

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