Who's Says Shrimps Don't Attack?

My Amanos are similar colours to OPs, almost identical.
I know they are Amanos though as I got them from my workplace.
Then again.. I never brought them, they were lodgers on several pieces of bogwood/java fern I purchased :p
i got my own liquid test kits at home and all seems perfect. 
So took sample down to pets at home and yorkshire aquatics and the tests are perfect.
i noticed another thing earlier that as soon as the fish rest on the bottom they pounce on them.
i think i better get rid of them... best bet 
I did a search on Amano Shrimp Aggression and there are a number of hits talking about more aggressive Amanos such as yours attacking tank mates. Looks like you're not alone in this!
Sophie said:
My Amanos are similar colours to OPs, almost identical.
I know they are Amanos though as I got them from my workplace.
Then again.. I never brought them, they were lodgers on several pieces of bogwood/java fern I purchased
Mine were also amano's, I'm guessing they darken with age as mine were younger.
As said, my amano's were never aggressive. I kept them with female betta's, male guppies and oto's and they never bothered anyone.
lol yeh i refined my search and your correct there seem to be amano attacks going on, i think they're growing balls lol. looks like bye bye shrimp
I would suspect the guppies of either dying or being sick, than the amanos outright killing them. Shrimp are scavengers which DOES make them opportunistic predators if they get the chance.
I'd agree if it wasn't for the guppy in the first pic wasn't a day old in perfect health. I've been searching on net and it defo isnt uncommon and is known to happen
Usually macros are the guilty species of shrimp when it comes to fish attacks, however I recall reading some where that even usually harmless amano shrimp will accidentially predate on fish they find resting/ sleeping on the floor of the tank. My guppies often sleep on the floor of my tanks so perhaps that is how your amano shrimp first got the taste for your guppies.
Since they are actively hunting the guppies, you could remove the amano shrimp (or the guppies which ever is easier), or you could try introducing more meaty diets in to the tank for the amano shrimp. My typus shrimp and many of my other shrimp all thoroughly enjoy sinking catfish wafers.
My Amanos go crazy for bloodworm, when I pop it in, they swim and grab them then go and sit on a perch somewhere and eat them like spaghetti :p
Yeh I feed them bloodworms. My cousin has decided to take them off me but is having second thoughts after seeing one chasing a tetra for few moments.
One thing I have noticed though is that there seems to be 2 types of amano shrimp. The one that someone posted earlier, they seem to be friendly and thinner. Then there's mine the fatter ones and beefy type. An after googling a bit I realised that people who have amanos that attack seem to look like the beefy type like mine.
Could be wrong though but that's my conclusion.
Can you get pictures of both types and post them? As detailed as possible, showing the claws at the front if possible.
I'll for you later. You can check this thread. You can see pics of mine and one further down someone else posted. Or maybe even google images.
I'm out at moment but will try later.
jancarius said:
I'll for you later. You can check this thread. You can see pics of mine and one further down someone else posted. Or maybe even google images.
I'm out at moment but will try later.
I know females are bigger and chunkier than males and I posted pictures of my two males so maybe the females are more aggressive?
I have to admit I have seen Amano go for fish but they have been poorly/asleep on the floor. In the case of the latter - the fish simply swam off. The Amano tank at work has our male Guppies in there - never had a problem with finding mysterious dead fish.. Unless they eat them over night in which we'd still find skeletons. I am leaning towards them being a different type of shrimp. Let loose into the aquatic community to cause uproar!
I watched my Amano shrimp gang up and grab an angel fish  - the angel had been nipped quite bad by Tiger Barbs prior to this (Tigers now rehomed), I watched them stalk the Angel and keep trying to drag it down, but again the Angel was obviously weak/ill

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