Well I've not been keeping fish for long so have asked lots and lots of questions across different forums, fish shops, pet shops and talked with specialist aquatics people
This is what gets me to the point, who's right who's wrong argument.
People on here say some certain cm per ltr of fish. And live by that and you can see it in every topic that's made.1cm per ltr
Pet shops , well they haven't much if a clue and will just selling you what ever you want, but they do go with certain CM per tank. 1 cm for every ltr.
Aqautics centre, don't seem to follow this rule, well to be honest actual think this rule is crap, they say line your fish up one by one, and they can go to edge it tank to edge of tank on length, holding much more fish
Specialist . He tends to agree with the aquatic s centre. He said all different fish require different things and he also went on to say, that most tropical and cold water fish are bread in tanks, and have been mix bread, he said what's the problem in my case 3 mollies in a 40ltr, he said they should be lucky they get thatmuch space, he went in to say people keep fish in bowls. In very small tanks. He said as long as fish seem happy and have room to swim they will be fine .
So the question is who is right who is wrong.
My view, I go with the aquatics and speacialist views.
It makes more sense.
I didn't even mention the other forums who also agree along the lines of aquatics centres etc.
This is what gets me to the point, who's right who's wrong argument.
People on here say some certain cm per ltr of fish. And live by that and you can see it in every topic that's made.1cm per ltr
Pet shops , well they haven't much if a clue and will just selling you what ever you want, but they do go with certain CM per tank. 1 cm for every ltr.
Aqautics centre, don't seem to follow this rule, well to be honest actual think this rule is crap, they say line your fish up one by one, and they can go to edge it tank to edge of tank on length, holding much more fish
Specialist . He tends to agree with the aquatic s centre. He said all different fish require different things and he also went on to say, that most tropical and cold water fish are bread in tanks, and have been mix bread, he said what's the problem in my case 3 mollies in a 40ltr, he said they should be lucky they get thatmuch space, he went in to say people keep fish in bowls. In very small tanks. He said as long as fish seem happy and have room to swim they will be fine .
So the question is who is right who is wrong.
My view, I go with the aquatics and speacialist views.
It makes more sense.
I didn't even mention the other forums who also agree along the lines of aquatics centres etc.