Whos Fault Is It?

whos fault is is when a shop sells a fish that is not suitable?

  • customer

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  • staff

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Fish Herder
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
london UK
i was working today and this woman bought a siamese fighter for her comunity ... i told her she shouldnt but she said it doesnt matter ... :mad: !!

she then told me that she had guppys in the comunity ... i told her they will be killed by the betta

so ignorant !!!

in a fish shop ... the customer is hardly ever right
you should put a vote for both.

as you can get an arrogant customer who doesn't get the fish they want from a member of staff to get that fish for them [even if it isn't suitable] or iif you advise the staff and customer, they both doubt you [usually]

and i hate ageist staff :mad:
ol some guy said this ... 'i doubt you would know this but, what is this pleco' .... 'its a bristle nosed pleco ... hence the bristles... !'
It really depends. Some of the 'company policy' at work is absurd, and some customers just don't have a clue but are very willing to do the right thing for their pets, and are just told rubbish and end up with dead/unsuitable fish.

However, you always get the person who it determined to get some new fish even though they have two silver sharks in a 60 litre tank and are already overstocked, and who have been told this. This guy at work just kept asking different members of staff until he found the right combination of staff ignorance and lies to get the fish he wanted. GRR!
You seem to have a fixation with this subject.

At the end of the day it's the fault of both in varying degrees.
The staff in the supermarket don't make sure I know how to cook my food properly.
The staff in the car sales room don't make sure I know how to drive properly - in fact I don't need a driving license to purchase a car.
The staff in the hardware store don't make sure that I know how to use those new power tools I just bought.

Yet the staff in petshops/fish shops are always expected to check that the customer knows how to do stuff.
Time for the customer to start making their own informed decisions. Maybe it's time for Which? to run an article on "choosing the best fish"?

Further, why shouldn't she have a siamese fighter in a community tank?
So, long as the other community fish are also peaceful it's fine. OK, it MIGHT go for the guppies - but you were saying she shouldn't have a betta in the community tank even before she mentioned guppies.
Maybe, you need to chill out a bit hun?
There is more than one way to skin a cat and your way isn't going to be the only way. It's wrong to assume that someone knows nothing (or less than you).
You seem to have a fixation with this subject.

At the end of the day it's the fault of both in varying degrees.
The staff in the supermarket don't make sure I know how to cook my food properly.
The staff in the car sales room don't make sure I know how to drive properly - in fact I don't need a driving license to purchase a car.
The staff in the hardware store don't make sure that I know how to use those new power tools I just bought.

Yet the staff in petshops/fish shops are always expected to check that the customer knows how to do stuff.
Time for the customer to start making their own informed decisions. Maybe it's time for Which? to run an article on "choosing the best fish"?

Further, why shouldn't she have a siamese fighter in a community tank?
So, long as the other community fish are also peaceful it's fine. OK, it MIGHT go for the guppies - but you were saying she shouldn't have a betta in the community tank even before she mentioned guppies.
Maybe, you need to chill out a bit hun?
There is more than one way to skin a cat and your way isn't going to be the only way. It's wrong to assume that someone knows nothing (or less than you).

all your reasons for shops being angels, deal with inanimate objects. they are irrelevant to this thread.

i agree WE should know our stuff. but if we dont and ask for advice. that advice should be correct. if you buy a cd player and it is mis-described by the vendor, you are entitled to a refund (in the UK). why then should fish be any different?
Tesco Aldi, do not claim to be "Experts" at anything except making money. LFS/Petshops, claim to be, "experts" in the field of livestock sales. there is a vast difference.

the reason, most, would not consider putting a beta in a community, is. they don't do well. often quite the opposite in fact.
if LFS were faceless vending machines, you comments would, to me, be valid. as most claim to be "stock experts". they do not.
i agree with tropic john. both should be able to be ticked. but uninformed, or straight lies, for the purposes of sales, from the LFS, . are inexcusable.
You can only do so much in the end it is up to the person buying the fish. It is the store workers job to educate the people best you can and just hope the listen. I don't think the betta will kill the guppys but then again so bettas are really mean others not so much. Yet there will be lots of fin nipping.
i was working today and this woman bought a siamese fighter for her comunity ... i told her she shouldnt but she said it doesnt matter ... :mad: !!

she then told me that she had guppys in the comunity ... i told her they will be killed by the betta

so ignorant !!!

in a fish shop ... the customer is hardly ever right

why not?!?

i have had MANY bettas in a community tank and only ever had ONE problem with one that I put in first so he thought everything was his - a shuffle round and it stopped

i dont see why people think they are so aggressive

i believe that the shop keeper should have resposibility for what they sell as some people buy fish "as they look pretty" but know nothing about them.

pet shop keepers have to double check on what the people have to buy rabbits etc so why not fish?
i was working today and this woman bought a siamese fighter for her comunity ... i told her she shouldnt but she said it doesnt matter ... :mad: !!

she then told me that she had guppys in the comunity ... i told her they will be killed by the betta

so ignorant !!!

in a fish shop ... the customer is hardly ever right

why not?!?

i have had MANY bettas in a community tank and only ever had ONE problem with one that I put in first so he thought everything was his - a shuffle round and it stopped

i dont see why people think they are so aggressive

i believe that the shop keeper should have resposibility for what they sell as some people buy fish "as they look pretty" but know nothing about them.

pet shop keepers have to double check on what the people have to buy rabbits etc so why not fish?

Haych you are right, its actually much more likely for the guppies to nip the bettas fins.
Haych you are right, its actually much more likely for the guppies to nip the bettas fins.

it how other fish affect betas, imo. as you say. but that's just as valid a reason not to do it.
what is it with moderators! my posts have been deleted again, im getting sick of it!! its pointless. there was a debate on cycling earlier...closed, WHY? it was a debate that didnt need closing, im starting to get real hacked off at what this forum is becoming, Any post has to make it past fairy land and if it doesnt meet it it gets deleted, come on! this is ridiculous.

some mod obviously has a problem with me so stop being a coward and admit it!
what is it with moderators! my posts have been deleted again, im getting sick of it!! its pointless. there was a debate on cycling earlier...closed, WHY? it was a debate that didnt need closing, im starting to get real hacked off at what this forum is becoming, Any post has to make it past fairy land and if it doesnt meet it it gets deleted, come on! this is ridiculous

chuckle :) welcome to my world

Mate, if staff tells them the right info like you did, and then they do buy it, its their money they are wasting, the shop did nothing wrong, you advised all the best you could, many shops wouldnt even do that!
I didnt vote as I needed an option for both.

The staff at the LFS should be able to give you the advice you need to make an informed choice, but the customer has to take a large chunk of the responsibility.

One thing I would like to see, but havent anywhere yet is a space in the LFS with access to a good fish encyclopedia, I have a really nice one which lists tank requirements, diet, potential size & compatability of most commonly sold fish, something like that popped on a bench would help alot of customers I think.

The staff can only do so much, if a customer has their heart set on a fish & are told its not appropriate for their tank & the customer disagrees, they will pop along to the next shop & lie.

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