i agree with GP, it does take a lot of planning efforts because when the baby bettas grow up, they'll need a big tank and then jarring, adn then changing the jar's water constantly..and then finding homes for them, that's assuming you can rasie them first, with their constant need for food (fed 2 or 3 times a day). Not saying you can't do it, but if you're already rushing in and threw in the male and feamle....that just shows us stuff about you. Not to mention waht aura said, ur story just isn't making sense to me, to this day, you still can't list the # of tanks you have, what kinda fish you have. You seem to tell us that you have a 100G tank, that your mom uses to put the oscars in sometimes? and then you have some kind of 60G? But then you never mentioned it again?
Haven't we been through this already last time you tried to breed the bettas and just casually threw in the male and female?