
Where's Nemo :o
Dec 11, 2003
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Van BC Canada
Whoa guys! I just bought 2 bettas yesterday one male one female and the male's done his bublenest n waiting for the female to embrace! Lol!
i dont know if you are trying to breed them but you should wait at least a month and let them get settled into their new homes, not to mention condition them.
lol the lfs was breeding the female with another male but I took her away n I paid the lfs dude 5$ to condition the fish for me b4 i got them cuz i have lots of stuff to do in august n dun wanna condition em
Sorry you replied as I was, but I still don't think it's a good idea. Even if they were conditioned at the store (with what btw?) still the stress of moving her puts you back anyway.
Also if you don't have time to condition and are goingto be busy in August you certainly do not want any fry.
i agree, you CAN'T just rush into breeding, and coniditoining is best done by yourself because you never know wat the petstore "conditon" her with anyways. LIke all the other said, adjusting to the new environment alone will take thme quite a few weeks. As for the male, he'll build a bubblenest whether or not there are feamles around. It's not a sign that he wishes or is ready to breed.
I think i know that cc!!! You've told me that at least like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tiems! (im egxageratin) i took her out and fed her to my piranah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol j/k
i doubt u paid the fish guy money to condition your fish for you if she was already in a tank breeding with another male..

that makes 0 sense
i mean the male cuz he was in those dumb cups n I think he's like mentally challenged cuz he like swims up to my fish and like sits there then when he gets to the bottom, he comes up to the surface swim to the filter and sits down
lol the lfs was breeding the female with another male but I took her away n I paid the lfs dude 5$ to condition the fish for me b4 i got them cuz i have lots of stuff to do in august n dun wanna condition em


your story doesnt add up.
Argh! I'm gonna throw a tantrum its no use talking to u! The female was already conditioned because she was getting bred and I wanted the lfs guy to condition the male i was gonna buy for my bday because i dun wanna buy all that food n stuff
betta, i tell you this a million times becuase you keep asking us the same thing a million times, consequently, i assume you obviously didn't get the message, so it's just a REMINDER for you .

never heard of a lfs that breeds, why would they need too? they buy their stock from a breeder, rather than raise the fry themselves as it takes too much time/effort which means less profit.

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