After searching for what daphnia looks like, i agree with Wuvmybetta. The look just like these lil thingies i've been feeding my bettas. small, orange, and able to swim.
Uh yes these are in water in a small cup. The 'thingies' in the cup with their own pals are very active compare to those unlucky ones who think they can wrestle with a betta .
Geez this sure is confusing. If only i can get a clear picture of these things. I'm not sure if this is helpful but the 'things' are in a oval shape and, if im not mistaken, have two 'whiskers'
I would describe daphnia as minature horseshoe crabs if that makes any sense Also remember that there are many many species of daphnia, so that picture isn't going to hold true across the board. I'll try to get a picture of mine, but promises