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first, go here and input all the necesary stuff, save the gravel info since it does nothing at all.

so, say the tank is 8x8x8. making it 2 gallons of water. you can squeeze 5 inches of fish into that tank.

now, you want to cound up the fish you want, say a Betta and three small Tetras or Corydoras. that's 2 inches, plus 1 inch per each other fish. five inches of fishies. since it's an Eclipse i'll just take it it's filtered. since it's filtered, you MIGHT be able to squish in two more inch long fish, maybe more, but if the water parameters so much as WIGGLE you need to take back the last fish you bought.

so, in said 2 gallon you can DEFINATELY fit 5 inches of fish, and MAYBE 7 inches. you said Bettas, and Tetras, right? i'll just take it you'd like to get these fish.

one male Betta (2") could fit in the tank, and then a trio of Tetras (3") and a pair of Corydoras (2") as a cleaner crew. i always divide my tanks that way; Spotlight, Schoolers, Scavengers.

some good Tetras would be Neon, Black Neon, Silver-Tipped, Congo, Glowlight and Flags. Corydoras i'm not an expert on, but i'm pretty sure Bronze, Albino, Panda and Jewelled Cories grow to one inch.

and there you have it, a miniaturized aquarium!

but don't listen to me, i'm a fan of 'safely overstocking' tanks and i might have given you a load of BS information.

the calculator told me so!
A 2gal tank is tiny, and I would never keep any fish in that permanently. The only thing I might recommend if someone really wants it is a betta. Definitely no schools of anything; no tetras, otos or cories. A school just won't fit and lonely shoaling fish is a sad sight.

I wouldn't trust that calculator too much, by the way. It may be fine for a big tank, but a small tank is much more unstable in terms of biological balance. In such a small volume of water the water chemistry and temperature can change quickly, often with bad consequences for the fish. It's better to understock small tanks than overstock them, it's just safer considering the wellbeing of the fish. I'd go with the 1-inch-of-fish-per-gallon rule for small tanks.

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