Who Would I Report A Sleizy Pet Shop Owner To?

I don't know about the RSPCA, I always thought they were a waste of space too until recently. A local cichild club auction was invaded by them recently cause it seems someone complained that people were buying fish and just carrying them outside "in the cold" in just clear plastic bags. Seems it upset their sensabilities.

So try the local council and the RSCPA, at least you can then say you did something. :angry:

Haha, is that true? What action was taken against the fiends transporting fish in plastic bags?

I rest my case. See my earlier post, and Wanda's eloquent reply, and ask yourself if you want YOUR donation spent in this way ...
I remember that one about the auction they also stopped other ones because they were being auctioned in the bags just piled on tables
i would like to know who they are too, i have about 6 all in 3/4 of an hour away from me all though i would only buy fish from just 2 of them
Shout it from the rooftops !!!! I am in Nottingham too, and would love to know which ones to avoid....

Spread the word around the boards and newsgroups... let his customers know, but be accurate and fair about what you say, it obviously must be true, or you could end up being sued for slander, but otherwise FECK HIM , is my motto...

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