Who Would I Report A Sleizy Pet Shop Owner To?


Fish Crazy
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
nottingham, uk
Hi after being totally shocked at shop pet shop i ve just been in does anyone know who I can report him to? One tank is 'FULL' ov goldfish severely covered in whitespot for sale....then a tank approx 2ft x 2ft sq with a silver arowana in approx just over 1ft long so space isn't really the 'BIG' problem even thou its kind cramped. There were dead goldfish in there as food for it and apparently they havent been ate 'TODAY' cos the aro is a bit 'under the weather' the filter in there had a build up ov gundge, god knows what it is, blocking both sides. Then the silver arowana looks a very dull grey...in my opinion looks really poorly. I got nothing to lose so even a visit from someone to give this owner a shake would be something...or even to teach how this kinda fish needs to be looked after.....god i m so flaming mad about it. :sly: forgot to say this is in the UK
poor arowana :-( ermm not sure might have to go to animal rights or something like that or just get a load of people to complain with you and the manager will have to do something about it

At least try the RSPCA. They should be able to take some kind of disciplinary action against the owner.

If they refuse to intervene, you could also just boycott the shop. Or you could alert the Better Business Buro in your area. I don't remeber the British equivalent, and I just moved away from there!!

Its sad that people treat animals that way, even if they are just fish. They have feelings too!
I'd not bother with the RSPCA, they don't care. Check if they're an OATA member, I think they may be able to do something about it, ie. abort their membership. Umm.... Get other people in the area to complain, or have fun at the same time and go shout at them?
I'd not bother with the RSPCA, they don't care. Check if they're an OATA member, I think they may be able to do something about it, ie. abort their membership. Umm.... Get other people in the area to complain, or have fun at the same time and go shout at them?
Oh dont worry feeshy believe me I shouted at em :hey:
I'd not bother with the RSPCA, they don't care. Check if they're an OATA member, I think they may be able to do something about it, ie. abort their membership. Umm.... Get other people in the area to complain, or have fun at the same time and go shout at them?
Oh dont worry feeshy believe me I shouted at em :hey:

Oh dear, what did they say?
I would try the local council as im sure he would need a license to sell them.
I'd not bother with the RSPCA, they don't care. Check if they're an OATA member, I think they may be able to do something about it, ie. abort their membership. Umm.... Get other people in the area to complain, or have fun at the same time and go shout at them?
Oh dont worry feeshy believe me I shouted at em :hey:

Oh dear, what did they say?
Just seemed shocked i told him he was wrong etc the usual and walked away while i ranted
Forget the RSPCA, if you can't cuddle it or ride it they don't care.

Letter to the local council (even though replies to my emails have never surfaced) and local MP are the best bet.
The first stop is the local council (enviroment dept I think)
as they are the ones that issue the licence to sell pets.
there is a moral clause in the license that pet shops "must matain acceptable standards" to keep the licence.

I would also contact the RSPCA too and find out if the shop is indeed an OATA member. here is a list of OATA members

The last thing I'd do is contact your local paper as they may do a name and shame article.

good luck persuing this matter and keep us updated.
personally i would have a word with this double crossing no brain and sue him till hes dead or call the rspca
contact the rspca thet are oblidged to investigate all complaints and will follow up with any actions required.

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