Who Works In A Pet Store?

Do you work in a pet store?

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  • No

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  • NO I would NEVER work in a pet store

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  • No but I am going to apply soon

    Votes: 1 100.0%
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Once I turn 16 I'm going to go work at my local chain store called feeders supply. :D
I have not had a reason to talk bad about pet store employees. I think the ones I have around here are really helpful and knowledgeable. It may have to do with Swedish pet stores not selling cats and dogs (not sure about snakes). With rabbits, rodents, amphibians, lizards and fish being the only critters availble for purchase they probably have more time to learn up on fish.
Most of the lfs and pet shops near me are small independently owned concerns where the owners take very good care of the animals/fish/birds.The one nearest me allows me to catch my own fish.
I think most of the bad experiences Ive read about in here are from the pet chains.
I work in an Aquatics store in Southwest England, Try to give the best advice i can and am brutally honest with people, which usually works to my advantage as people will respect you for telling the truth or trying to save them money rather than just selling anything for the hell of it or for the profit margins.

I put yes though it's technically no longer true. I used to though so I have some inside knowledge on how it works and a lot of people would get a slap to the face if they realized how difficult the job can be. Let alone having to know your stuff, try to convince the customers not to buy certain fish yet also sell them fish, as that's your job. It's a difficult balance to achieve between doing your job and not selling the wrong fish to people.
The big pet chains are so bad its unreal here :S someone actully said to me "get one of those, they look nice eh" it was an oscar... i asked about it, acting dumb and was told, not sure what size it gets, the guy that does the fish aint in today so, dunno mate? so it was cheerio to him and back home...
On the other hand there is an aquatics club bout a 5 min walk from me and its the best thing ever. Its £10 a year to be a member and that gets you fish at cost price :) 38p for neons lol. The fish is real cheap cos theres no workers to pay. you just go in, grab a net and a jug, find the fish, scoop it out and write down what you have, leave the cash in the box and bobs your uncle :) Theres two older guys that own the shop and they take care of the ordering of fish ect. Monday night is members night, 7~10pm. open to public on sat and sun 10am~5pm and theres always someone that knows an answere to a question. Also do marine fish too :)

Guess its really just a matter of trial and error when finding somewhere to purchase you fish :)

The big pet chains are so bad its unreal here :S someone actully said to me "get one of those, they look nice eh" it was an oscar... i asked about it, acting dumb and was told, not sure what size it gets, the guy that does the fish aint in today so, dunno mate? so it was cheerio to him and back home...
On the other hand there is an aquatics club bout a 5 min walk from me and its the best thing ever. Its £10 a year to be a member and that gets you fish at cost price :) 38p for neons lol. The fish is real cheap cos theres no workers to pay. you just go in, grab a net and a jug, find the fish, scoop it out and write down what you have, leave the cash in the box and bobs your uncle :) Theres two older guys that own the shop and they take care of the ordering of fish ect. Monday night is members night, 7~10pm. open to public on sat and sun 10am~5pm and theres always someone that knows an answere to a question. Also do marine fish too :)

Guess its really just a matter of trial and error when finding somewhere to purchase you fish :)


Wow! That's good! - Wish I had one of them near me!
I was really close to becoming an employee, but my job is so easy and pay well for my age I just decided not to, looks like to much work sometimes, plus you can get some rude suttborn people sometimes I wouldnt care for.
I'm doing my work experience placement in a Maidenhead Aquatics store right now, this is the end of my first week and im loving it, its a very good branch the emoloyees are really knowlegable and im gonna beg them for a part time job there while im at college :)
I'm doing my work experience placement in a Maidenhead Aquatics store right now, this is the end of my first week and im loving it, its a very good branch the emoloyees are really knowlegable and im gonna beg them for a part time job there while im at college :)

Which branch are you at?

she works at havant i work at chichester one from next monday
No; I've applied at PetCo several times 'cause i'd like an employee discount, but I got sick of having them tell me they lost my application. My other LFS doesn't hire males. Sad, but true.

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