Who Wants A Plakat Male?

Looking at the new photos properly they do look female :)
Ok, the blue one with the long pectoral fins and no obvious egg spot I will go with being female.She is not aggresive to the others. The black one with fat stubby pectoral fins is odd and at times, after feeding, quite aggressive. It also blows bubbles out its gill flaps and claps them making a noise you can hear outside the tank. This one has blown a bubble nest whilst in a breeding tank. I will post a good clear photo of this one later when I put the tank lights on, in abreeding trap so it stays still long enough to photograph.
another thing is to take a mirror and look at the flare most males will show a full flare when shown a mirror and will get quite wound up by their reflection! lol but any you do think are suspect are def worth separating into solitary confinement so you can access their behaviour.

Females flare too so it's not a reliable indicator of sex. When I bred my girls would flare as much as the boys. This fish does look female to me, but I'd need to see breeding stripes or an egg spot to be certain.

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