Who Should I Spawn Next?

interesting. watt told me the oranges breed true and i should get all orange fry. i have several spawn siblings from one of his spawns and they are all orange. a friend of mine has other siblings from the same spawn and they are also orange. he got over 200 fish out of that spawn and they were selling like hotcakes because yup...all orange.
Whats 'watt'?

I was planning to spawn my orange pair and asked all the breeders over at Bettas4all forum what they thought and they said that orange is recessive almost never breeds true :) If you breed orange x orange you usually get red apparently

I have decided against spawning my pair as im waiting on a new (very expensive!!!) pair hat i hope to breed :D

watt is watt saenpaeng, a breeder in thailand. he sells on aquabid under grandbetta, luckybetta, duenbetta (duen is his wife), ann_aquatic, island_aquatic, and i'm sure i'm forgetting some. bettaquality and rainnybetta are his nephews. he always has plenty of oranges for sale so clearly he must have found some way of consistently producing them. if they were so hard to breed they wouldn't sell so cheaply either ;) the orange female in that pairing is from him, as are these:



(this one has since turned near-solid bright orange like the female in the spawn pairing)



these four are spawn siblings, not sure about the other girl.
I cant say i've ever even been on aquabid! :lol: So i dont know him.

But as you can see in the first pics of the female the colour isn't very intense orange - its kind of faded. That is a problem when you do manage to breed them true (i believe in every 2 or 3 generations you will get oranges again but dont quote me!!) the colour is not always as good as it could be!

Oooh, and my little orange boy could be the twin of yours :wub: As could my female actually :lol: I wonder if Bettaman gets his bettas from the same person?! :lol:



these oranges that are up on aquabid right now are from watt and his wife

But as you can see in the first pics of the female the colour isn't very intense orange - its kind of faded.

these are old photos of the girls, when they were not even 3 months old. both have darkened considerably since then, and as i said, the 2nd girl is now the color of the female i posted in the spawning pair. watt warned me the girls tend to be lighter than the boys, but all the males came out bright orange. btw - i don't know if it was clear, but those are photos of four different fish. i have 3 orange females and i had 2 orange males, although the first male pictured has since passed away.
Looks like they're all from the same spawn then :) Thats why he has so many!

Im not sure if you understand what i mean by the faded colour. The 'ideal' orange colour is very bright and the one in this link is quite faded looking http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auc...shmp&1132740719

Still a beautiful fish, and i'd love to have him! :D (though not for $30 :crazy: ) but if you entered it into a show it would have points taken off for that i believe :)

But, back to your original question, you should spawn your favourite! And if you haven't got a favourite, just pick one at random, or stick a poll on this thread and ask people to vote! :D
Im not sure if you understand what i mean by the faded colour. The 'ideal' orange colour is very bright and the one in this link is quite faded looking http://www.aquabid.com/cgi-bin/auction/auc...shmp&1132740719

watt is a great breeder but a lousy photographer. the photos of the two males that i posted were taken a day or two after they arrived at my home. these are the auction photos for my males:



see how faded the fish look? imagine my surprise when i opened the box and found fish THIS color:


in short, you can expect his oranges to be much brighter than they appear in his pics. in general, his fish are much nicer than they appear in his photos (unless one of his nephews takes the photo. one of them is pretty skilled with a camera, although i forget which one)
I'd go for Pair #3. I just absolutely love the coloring on that male! :wub: But of course, it's all up to you. That's just my vote. :)
I looove #1 and #2... if I had to choose, #2 is stunning! That male kills me :X. I'm such a sucker for green Bettas, especially green marbles. I think because you know that another breeder successfully spawned him, that is even more incentive to spawn him. You have a MUCH better guarentee of not wasting time and money on an egg-eater or a lazy Dad, you know he'll give you a good spawn.

If you DO breed pair #2, I'd kill for a couple of their babies!!! :shifty:

The orange pair is also stunning, I always notice Watt has beautiful Orange Plakats!
I love one and two as well. The colour on the male in number three is interesting, but not my thing really.

The green marble though :drool: . I am loving him a lot. I am a sucker for marbles though. The orange pair are a good pairing too. I love orange bettas, they look like creamsicles. :wub:
I'm such a sucker for green Bettas, especially green marbles. I think because you know that another breeder successfully spawned him, that is even more incentive to spawn him.

i dont know if he was spawned before i got him, but he is the father of my older fry :D he was a very attentive father, too
I was planning to spawn my orange pair and asked all the breeders over at Bettas4all forum what they thought and they said that orange is recessive almost never breeds true :) If you breed orange x orange you usually get red apparently.
If it's recessive (and it is,) it does breed true. See, all diploid animals carry two copies of every gene, and for any recessive trait to be expressed, the animal MUST have two identical copies of the gene. For example, red and orange are supposedly variations on the same gene, so with orange being recessive, the only way it can be expressed is if the animal has two copies of the gene for orange, meaning that it cannot be carrying a gene for red.... otherwise it would show up as red instead of orange. You're right that oranges supposedly get more faded and washed out through the generations though, which is why some breeders recommend breeding them back to red every few generations. Breeding an orange to an orange will get you orange fish, though :nod:
Edit: Oh, and definitely no reds!

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