Who needs television when you have people fighting in carparks


Fish Guru
Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
Perth, WA
Just sitting here in the car at the hardware store watching people do their thing. About 15 minutes ago a couple of people started having a screaming contest (lovers tiff) and everyone is either stopping to watch them, or ignoring them and going straight to their cars. I am watching them because I don't have a television :)

It is 18+ adults only and contains foul and offensive language and adult themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

I'm not sure if I should call the cops and report a domestic disturbance or let it play out. But the female is slapping the guy and getting stuck into him saying she loves him. He is telling her to fuplie off. Now she is telling him not to yell but she is the one yelling.

It has quietened down a bit now and they are discussing the matter. it is loud enough so I can hear them but not screaming level. He is trying to remind her he loves her, (oh goody, he loves her). She is still pissed with him. He is trying to hug her but she just told him to get fuplied. She is going off again. He is trying to calm her down. And they hugged and are walking off.

Ahh you humans and your relationships :)
Just sitting here in the car at the hardware store watching people do their thing. About 15 minutes ago a couple of people started having a screaming contest (lovers tiff) and everyone is either stopping to watch them, or ignoring them and going straight to their cars. I am watching them because I don't have a television :)

It is 18+ adults only and contains foul and offensive language and adult themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

I'm not sure if I should call the cops and report a domestic disturbance or let it play out. But the female is slapping the guy and getting stuck into him saying she loves him. He is telling her to fuplie off. Now she is telling him not to yell but she is the one yelling.

It has quietened down a bit now and they are discussing the matter. it is loud enough so I can hear them but not screaming level. He is trying to remind her he loves her, (oh goody, he loves her). She is still pissed with him. He is trying to hug her but she just told him to get fuplied. She is going off again. He is trying to calm her down. And they hugged and are walking off.

Ahh you humans and your relationships :)
That is typical foreplay, they will make babies tonight. Sounds a bit like two Cichlids, just testing the boundaries.
Just sitting here in the car at the hardware store watching people do their thing. About 15 minutes ago a couple of people started having a screaming contest (lovers tiff) and everyone is either stopping to watch them, or ignoring them and going straight to their cars. I am watching them because I don't have a television :)

It is 18+ adults only and contains foul and offensive language and adult themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

I'm not sure if I should call the cops and report a domestic disturbance or let it play out. But the female is slapping the guy and getting stuck into him saying she loves him. He is telling her to fuplie off. Now she is telling him not to yell but she is the one yelling.

It has quietened down a bit now and they are discussing the matter. it is loud enough so I can hear them but not screaming level. He is trying to remind her he loves her, (oh goody, he loves her). She is still pissed with him. He is trying to hug her but she just told him to get fuplied. She is going off again. He is trying to calm her down. And they hugged and are walking off.

Ahh you humans and your relationships :)
People watching is THE BEST thing ever…I can lose a couple of hours sat in a coffee shop watching people do their thing 😂😂
Where I live it used to be quiet....its a nice little cul-de-sac that few knew existed until the last 18 months or so as older residents died and the council who own the flats started refilling the empty flats with...lets just say...the more idiotic and noisy individuals.

Domestics happen on a daily/nightly basis, drunken fights happen most nights outside after the pubs close, the police are very regular visitors to various rowdy neighbours.

Currently thanks to being close to November 5th (bonfire night) there are nightly fireworks going off all over the place.

I have lived in my little flat for the last 14 years and by golly I have seen antics from neighbours that would make your hair curl. Its gone from a nice peaceful micro-community to a warzone. Watching TV requires the subtitles at night due to the noisey neighbours both in their flats and outside on the communal areas (my flat is at the top of the cul-de-sac so I get the added attractions of cars doing 40 point turns clutchless, slamming doors, shouting and screaming obscenities etc)

My aquariums are my only method of keeping my sanity......one either side of the bed that I stare at, watching the fish do their thing at night (lights off obviously but by the light from the TV) and the one in the hallway and two in the lounge.

Sometimes I hate people, I hate being around them....give me animals for company any day of the week, they are far more entertaining and intelligent.
Just sitting here in the car at the hardware store watching people do their thing. About 15 minutes ago a couple of people started having a screaming contest (lovers tiff) and everyone is either stopping to watch them, or ignoring them and going straight to their cars. I am watching them because I don't have a television :)

It is 18+ adults only and contains foul and offensive language and adult themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

I'm not sure if I should call the cops and report a domestic disturbance or let it play out. But the female is slapping the guy and getting stuck into him saying she loves him. He is telling her to fuplie off. Now she is telling him not to yell but she is the one yelling.

It has quietened down a bit now and they are discussing the matter. it is loud enough so I can hear them but not screaming level. He is trying to remind her he loves her, (oh goody, he loves her). She is still pissed with him. He is trying to hug her but she just told him to get fuplied. She is going off again. He is trying to calm her down. And they hugged and are walking off.

Ahh you humans and your relationships :)
Now just imagine if the genders were reversed and think what would likely have happened next?
(OoooOOOoooOOoooh...political! Soz ;))

I made a career out of people watching. Apparently, I was rather good at it.
I hope they don't reproduce. There are enough dumb people on the planet without them adding their stupid genes to it
11/3/20 Totay I watched hundreds of people waiting in Dallas for the son of JFK, John F Kennedy Jr., to return to be Trump's VP. That he died 22 years ago in a plane crash doesn't matter, because Q-Anon told them this was going to happen! Amerika!
I wish my living room had your view, I am just watching really dumb TV

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