Who Is With Three Network?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2013
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I've been looking to switch over to a new network I've been with vodafone for about 20 years and pay about £20.00 per month 1000minutes landline 1000 minutes cross network 500 texts and about 1GB data.
I dont text but sometimes I go over minutes and they punish me very badly.
I live on a hill and never get 3G due to mask issues in my area.
Three are offering 2000 minutes unlimited data 1000 texts for £15 is it time I move over people?
Before I forget three have scraped roaming charges which means you can go on holiday in certain countries likie france and Hongkong and use another network and get charged the same as if you were at home.
I've been on Three for years and never had a problem, always contract though.
I pay £40 a month, for The One Plan for myself and my OH and we have the latest smart phones.
The One Plan comes with:
All-you-can-eat data
2000 any network minutes
5000 Three-to-Three minutes
5000 texts
Tethering included.
I wouldn't be with anyone else, I personally find the signal the best for most areas, they certainly have the most coverage but I guess with all networks, depends where you are.

EDIT: That's £40 each..
You can always ring them and ask them to put a cap on your account so you cannot go over your limit.
Hello sophie I think I might have to swap over to them TBF I'm getting a PAYGO for my 11 year old as his school is far away and see what the reception is like for him. If its all good I'll switch over myself seems really good deals especially the all you can eat

By the way congrats on your new baby such a cutie little one!
I just got my free three sims and guess what, where I live I only get one to two bars........ sad now guess voda or talk mobile who uses voda might be my only option it sucks big time!

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