Who Has The Most Pets?

16 chickens
3 horses
2 highland cows+10 day old bull calf
3 jacob sheep
1 pekin duck
1 tank with 5 rbps
1 community tank
1 bristlenose tank with mum/dad 50+babys+ 20 danio fry
5000 gallon koi pond with 2 24inch albino channel cats +koi
2 staffys

cant think of anything else
I have:
4 chinchillas (did have 15 at one point)
6 bantams (who produce all my eggs and I havent need to buy any in at least a year!)
1 puppy
and two tanks full of fish....shall I include them aswell? and my shrimp and snails considering they could be classed as pets!! :lol:
Not going to have the most but I'll post mine:

2 leopard geckos
2 rats
1 garter snake
2 bettas
2 dojo loaches
1 pleco
I certainly dont have the most. I only have:

Two german shepherds, Zac and Tarker
A scraggy old cat, Chloe.

I certainly dont have the most. I only have:

Two german shepherds, Zac and Tarker
A scraggy old cat, Chloe.
Too many fish to count.
A horse, Roxy.
and i am also on the hunt for a tortiose for Fiance, only i cant seem to find one!
Nothing special for me, 1 cat, 1 dog, 1 fish tank...
i only have the tank but live with 2 boys does that count ???? (I still have to clean up after them LOL)
Ok i have got :

5 Fish tanks
4 African clawed frogs
42 Apple snails
8 Giant African land snails + 70ish baby GALS and hundresd of eggs
2 dogs - Shadow & Domino
3 cats - Polly, Poppy & Micheal

Soon to be getting a Scorpion, a Lizard of somekind and maybe a snake
1 dog-major
1 cockatiel-nezumi
1 budgerigar- sky demon
1 two year old sister :shifty:
a pond
2 red eared sliders
wow im not going to win but couldnt resist replying :D

2 Gerbils (Smokey & Charlie)

1 Cat (Mindy)

1 Horse (Murphy - had to show off :shifty: he's mine all mine :shifty: (had to wait a long time and gone through many issues with him) )

oh and a tank of fish :D
I won't win but I wanted to tell everyone my pets.

1 dog
1 budgie
18 fish...I think

but I have lots of plans for the future (when I have my own house of course)...

1 horse
1 goat
10 chickens
3 dogs
1 cat
1 cockatiel
1 rainbow lorikeet
2 budgies
3 rabbits
4 guinea pigs
2 turtles
and LOTS of fish tanks

I may have forgotten some.
1 hermanns tortoise
2 guinea piggies
2 congo frogs/ african dwarf frogs
lots of their tadpoles
3 goldfish
1 budgie
3 possible fire bellied toads
1 giant millipede
i'm not even going to attempt to count how many caterpillars and butterflies i have breeding
I've always loved animals. my mum is going crazy though!
1 dog-major
1 cockatiel-nezumi
1 budgerigar- sky demon
1 two year old sister :shifty:
2 red eared sliders
1 calico kitten-Calla
9 female bettas
ALOT of male bettas
55 gallon fish tank
a pond

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