Who Has The Best Trick For This?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2007
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To make a long story short I found a piece of lr that I couldn't pass up.I seen that it had about 4 glass anemones on it and I have had to remove one in the past.However these are down in the little holes of the rock and are very hard to get to.I have tried to suck them out with a syringe but they retract way to fast.I have read about the lemon juice method also.If anybody has a quick and easy way that would be awsome.
I have a piece that is infested.. but they are too cute, I plan to execute them after fair trials....soon.

what is the best way of doing it?

Peppermint Shrimp for me

Agreed, peps work great. If that doesnt work for you, you can try the chilling method. Take the rock out and dip it in a bucket of cold saltwater (at least 10 or more degrees f colder). The nems foots will loose grip and if you shake the rock in the cold water enough, sometimes they'll just fall off.
Bah! whats the point in buying a shrimp just to eat a couple of glass anenomes! I would remove the piece of rock from the tank and use a heated up skewer (like used for kebabs or thinner) and jab it in to the anenome and into its hole.

The other way would be to get a scalpal and cut a tiny slither of rock from underneath the glass anenome.

Thanks a lot.they look nice in there right now but I have heard to many bad things about there ability to reproduce to keep them in the tank.Thanks for the help.
Bah! whats the point in buying a shrimp just to eat a couple of glass anenomes! I would remove the piece of rock from the tank and use a heated up skewer (like used for kebabs or thinner) and jab it in to the anenome and into its hole.

The other way would be to get a scalpal and cut a tiny slither of rock from underneath the glass anenome.


Because they look cool! My Peppermint shrimp is named Jauche :# Whenever I put my hand in the tank he comes out and cleans it.
Joes Juice maybe!!!!!

Yeh that works a treat. Don't break it up in the tank or you will have spores everywhere and you will have hundreds in your tank! Make sure the glass anenome isn't too big for the peppermint shrimp or the pep may get eaten :no: !

Joes juice is great for glass anenome, they literally explode and problem over. I found that its most effective to let the smaller ones grow to a resonable size the feed them the juice. However please be careful with the stuff as despite stating its "reef safe", press too hard on the syringe and you will get over spill which might just land on a coral you want to keep, so use with care.

As for peppermint shrimps, bought two genuine shrimps and they didnt touch anything, I hear they can be hit or miss about helping you out.

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