Who Had The Talking Catfish?


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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I remember reading someones post where they said it made a funny noise when they held it and they did an illustration of the noise it made - I was looking at Raphaels on another site and telling my husband that someone here had one and it went....then I couldn't remember what you said it did.

Please do it again for me :)
I used to have two talking catfish (spotted raphael), and they make a kind of clicking grunting sound. Almost like a barritone cricket if that makes sense. Very interesting sounding. They do it sometime to in the evening, but mine always did if I pulled them out of the water. :D
Most catfish in that genus make a clicking sound when they are brought out of the water.
Yeah but he said something funny like "creak creak" and I was trying to remember what it was.
I really need to hear a catfish make a noise, it sounds so neat.
It was you! Well done, I will show my husband that thread, it made me laugh and it makes me smile when I think about it.
mine also growls (its a pictus)

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