Who Are These Guys?

Harlequins is right, their are way to many similar corys that look similar. My Guess is lozo, I am looking around for my picture of them. Either way they are some nice fish you have their. :good: :good:

http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=58867 Here is a picture of my old c. loxozonus "lozo" I believe it could be

Yes, they are identical! Loxo is what I thought from the start, but as everybody says, it is really hard sometimes. I am having another one that I have not been able to identify. Unfortunately the guy/girl is by itself, it was the only one left in the tank. Luckily it has enough family of the same size (some puntatus)plus all the others hanging around. Once I get a proper picture of it, I will start a new post.

Thanks everybody for helping and commenting!

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