

Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2005
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I have a true perc that has some problems. He hasn't really eaten in 3 to 4 days. I noticed on Saturday night that he was missing a bottom fin and it seemed like the ocellaris was kind of picking on him. From the way I have heard others describe it, I assumed this might be the courting process. I talked to my LFS and he said the missing fin and stress of not eating could be the result of courting and keep an eye on it for a bit. I guess I wasn't thinking it was too serious and neither was my LFS cause I brought a new fish home yesterday, and last night I noticed that the perc had grown (?) two spots above his gills that looked like he had two pieces of crushed coral stuck to him. I turned out the lights and by the time I got up this morning one had "fallen off". I left the lights off all day today as well, and it looks like the other one has fallen off and left a hole in his skin. I don't know if this is whitespot or something else. Could someone shed some light on this? I know I messed up by adding the new fish (a hawkfish by the way in case that matters) but could someone give some ideas on how to help the perc?

Thanks -_-
It sounds to me like Ich/whitespot. Its possible the fish has caught it mildly and now the parasite has dropped off to begin its reproductive cycle. If its not whitespot then i would guess its some other form of parasite (though i do not know what). Try and get the fish feeding again, this is important if the fish are to fight off this parasite. Try garlic with their food as this does help alot in the fight against ich.
Garlic in what form? Powder? Minced?
He has two white spots again but he won't eat. I have tried two flake foods and frozen mysis. Any thoughts on other food I could try?
ess17 said:
Garlic in what form? Powder? Minced?
He has two white spots again but he won't eat. I have tried two flake foods and frozen mysis. Any thoughts on other food I could try?
as nav said try and get some garlic additive from kent marine, or get some organic garlic and crush it to get its juice then dab some on the flake food and see if he eats that :) hope the little dude will be ok i love clown fish :wub:
I use garlic capsules from the health shop. cut open the capsule and push the liquid out onto food.Seems to do the trick

Unfortunately the little guy didn't make it. :byebye:

The guy at my LFS said it was probably an internal problem with the fish, and assumed by description that he had a parasite (can't remember the name) that is blood born and can then surface. He isn't sure of course, but that was his best guess. I am certain I didn't help matters by adding the new fish without thinking, and I think having a cleaner shrimp would have helped. I guess all I can do now is learn from it and not make the same mistakes again. Thanks for you help and advise.
Im sorry for your loss. :( It might have been an internal problem as your LFS suggested. I lost a male Wattanabae Angel in similar circumstances last year. This is a disease that is deep within the fish and effects their swim bladder. its eventually manefests as a few white spots on the skin and can be easily mistaken for mild whitespot. I didnt associate this disease with the perc as its usually connected with deeper water fish that have trouble adjusting to shallower waters. I guess it could be the same thing or a similar disease. In cases like this though, the inclusion of a cleaner probably wouldnt have saved it as the main trouble withthe fish lies internally so dont blame yourself for not feeling you hve done enough.

Unfortunately these things happen... the rest of your stock is healthy it seems to lets be thankful that its not spread to the others.

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