I have a true perc that has some problems. He hasn't really eaten in 3 to 4 days. I noticed on Saturday night that he was missing a bottom fin and it seemed like the ocellaris was kind of picking on him. From the way I have heard others describe it, I assumed this might be the courting process. I talked to my LFS and he said the missing fin and stress of not eating could be the result of courting and keep an eye on it for a bit. I guess I wasn't thinking it was too serious and neither was my LFS cause I brought a new fish home yesterday, and last night I noticed that the perc had grown (?) two spots above his gills that looked like he had two pieces of crushed coral stuck to him. I turned out the lights and by the time I got up this morning one had "fallen off". I left the lights off all day today as well, and it looks like the other one has fallen off and left a hole in his skin. I don't know if this is whitespot or something else. Could someone shed some light on this? I know I messed up by adding the new fish (a hawkfish by the way in case that matters) but could someone give some ideas on how to help the perc?