

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
Warrington UK

I need some help from you Cory keepers, as to what meds to use for whitespot/ick/gill flukes.

I have looked at Interpet no.6, but gives no indication if it can be used with Cory/inverts. Call me a novice on this but, I've not had problems for the last 12 years. So im very confused right now. Rather than putting this in the emergency section, I know i'll probly get a straight answer to my question.

Please don't ask for water stats, I know what the problem is (Sorry if I sound a bit rude but I hate the fact that some people like to bump their post count up by asking that question). The meds I bought years ago delt with the two problems but, products change so hence the question.
King british ws3 for whitespot-very concentrated but i've found was safe wth cories.
i have used white spot 6 with my CRshrimp in the tank and they were fine also had my cories in the tank at the same time
i just halfed the recommended doseage amount and didnt increase the temp - as is recommended with other fish - but did have the airstone running for 16 hours a day - only off at night

took 3 weeks to completely clear but well worth it to keep my fish alive

cories in tank were 4 pandas (lost 3 through poisoned mains water 2 weeks after they had survived the treatment lol sods law) , leopards , hasbrosus and peppered
i also had cherry shrimp and the CRS
amoung with the other stocking that is in the rio 180
Piltdownpaul: Thanks for that i'll have a drive around my LFS's to see who stocks it.

i have used white spot 6 with my CRshrimp
Is that the Interpet 6?

I find it very annoying that they don't state this on the outter box.
Last time i had an outbreak i dosed three times over 6 days. I forgot about my shrimps-it didnt bother them either- i kept my airstone going anyway.
Piltdownpaul: Thanks for that i'll have a drive around my LFS's to see who stocks it.

i have used white spot 6 with my CRshrimp
Is that the Interpet 6?

I find it very annoying that they don't state this on the outter box.

yes interpet 6 sorry i only use interpet meds cos i can get them cheap
Hi StrontiumDog :)

I can't help you as much as the others can since I have no actual experience with the brands available in the UK, but I was wondering if your corys are actually the ones that are sick, or if it's just other fish in the tank.

While it's possible for corys to get whitespot/ick, they are usually pretty resistant to it. What I've seen most often is that the corys get bacterial infections as a result of being in the tank while it's undergoing treatment for this. Lack of frequent water changes and elevated temperatures are probably the direct cause, so please be aware of this and prepared to head off trouble early.

Good luck with this. I hope to soon be reading that your fish have all recovered and everything is back to normal in your tanks.
Hi StrontiumDog :)

I can't help you as much as the others can since I have no actual experience with the brands available in the UK, but I was wondering if your corys are actually the ones that are sick, or if it's just other fish in the tank.

While it's possible for corys to get whitespot/ick, they are usually pretty resistant to it. What I've seen most often is that the corys get bacterial infections as a result of being in the tank while it's undergoing treatment for this. Lack of frequent water changes and elevated temperatures are probably the direct cause, so please be aware of this and prepared to head off trouble early.

Good luck with this. I hope to soon be reading that your fish have all recovered and everything is back to normal in your tanks.

Hi Inchworm :)

Basically it's down to me being a bad dad at the moment. I moved my young peppers in with my adult bronze using a divider, i've not been keeping up with the water changes of late. They started flicking and rubbing them selves on the plants and sand and, lying around gills going like the clappers. I think the filter is on it's last legs, so i've added an air stone which has helped alot. Temps arn't a problem they are constant.

I got made redundant just before xmas after 13 years with the place, so my mind has been on other things just latley.

I hope I can sort this out soon as this will totaly gut me if I loose my fish too.
Hi StrontiumDog,

I'm sorry to hear your bad news and hope you find something else quickly.

Please continue to let us know how your corys are doing.

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