White Worms In The Tank


New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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Hi folks

I have a 20 g (30*12*12) tank with six giant danio and two marbled angels. The tank has been running for last three months. Last week i switched over from gravel to sand. Only artificial plants, sponge filter, flouresecent light 40W, some rocks for decoration. three drift wood pieces.

Today while performing weekly WC, I could notice several tiny white colour worms in water. As water settled down all these have disappeared.

Can somebody guide me as to what are these.

These are planaria and are harmless to the fish and nearly all aquariums have them to some degree. If you are seeing a lot then its either because you arent gravel vaccing enough so not doing enough water changes or you are feeding the fish too much.

Just read you switched to sand, how much do you feed your fish?
Planarians often thrive in areas with few fish and lots of green and brown algae. If they go out of control, they can harm fishes. Loaches, suckermouthed catfish and dwarf puffers, as well as some cichlids such as angels, are very adept at controlling these animals. They are not considered "out of control" until they begin to appear on the tank walls.
I once have those tiny white worms inside my tank too (when there were only plants inside my tank). I saw quite a lot of them floating in the water and some were 'crawling' on fish tank's front glass, some even crawling on anubias' leaves .. I was really shocked... So I went into fish shop and ask what are they and is it okay to add fishes into my fish tank (I found out those worms on 14th days on cycling, I went to fish shop on day 15th). They told me to add chemicals to my tank to kill those before I add fish, since those white worms are harmful to fish.

Luckily I choose NOT to follow her! I added 6 fish (5 zebra danio and 1 leopard danio) on that night and those worms seems really got eaten by my newly added danios. (I saw them chasing those worms to eat)

So Just wonder if Danios(Zebra danio and leopard danio) are very adept at controlling Planarians too? :sly: If yes, atul's Gaint danios should have ate as part of diet too right?
These are not worms these are simply debree of the rocks and sand if you see this agian dont worrie this will go away lol B)

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