white stuff...


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2003
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Singapore, Asia
there is some white stuff which feels slimy which grows on the tubing from my air pump to filter. i clean it up and a few days later its there again. was wondering if its because of my tubing material or water problem.
:) sounds like some kind of algae ? do you have a algae eater
also have you tested your water
nitrite amonia and stuff if so what did they show (ok)?

is there any more in the actual tank it may be bacteria this can be foamy and create a greasy film on the top of your tank

get back to us
It is difficult to give you any sort of prognosis without knowing your water parameters. It is unlikely to be the tubing material, unless it was manufactured not to standard. It is likely to be a water problem. Possibly the calcium content within your water. Does the slime have a "bad" smell to it when you rub it between your fingers? If it does then it is a bacterial problem if not it's a water problem. It is difficult to tell as waterabroad is often not treated.
sorry i do not have any nitrate/ammonia, ph testing kits. does not have any foul smell as to the best of my knowledge. i have a cory in my tank and would like to get an otto when i see one.
hmm you have no kits
how long has your tank been going for i getting feeling its not completly cycled
and maybe its bacteria bloom this can be a white foam stuff the reason is

well to not keep repeating so atthe bottom of this post cheek the link and have read see if any thing can be the same

if its bacteria blooming becus your tank isnt cycled if you keep cleaning it it will come back as its neeeded this is important to your tank its the bacteria needed to brake down fish waste and it should go after 14 days so you should be patient leave it and not take it away as it will only come back and worse
oh okay i'd use the tube again and see if there's the same problem again. thanks. i do not think it is bacteria bloom as all i had in it was a small cory and i didn't feed much.
after taking a somewhat closer look at my tank, i think my tank has bacteria bloom. i had it around for 3 days with my cory inside (uncycled) and an old plant. i did not feed the cory during those days. today i added 3 dwarf neon rainbows and foudn the white slime on the tube. what can i do to prevent further growth of the bacteria?
the smell is only normal due to OVER FEEDING you notice well mine stinks i hate the smell of what i feed them actualy gross
But you said you didnt feed them so it isnt that .

did you read my article on blooming at the bottom i put it can be many reasons
i FULLY cycled tank can get it i have had it befor and have it now in my small tank
but the reason is 1 you cleand filter to much 2 cleand gravel to well

but i must say you said you added fish and that it has appeard well THE REASON
for this is becuase in my OHO your tank isnt cycled and when you add the fish its a bacteria BLOOM trying to take controll and cope with all those fish added

or there feeding on the nutreunts in the water (fish waste) by adding more they have more to feed on but if i was you i wouldnt panic at the moment to much but DONT REMOVE IT you need it thats why it keeps coming back most likly trying to re Establish in your tank with the right amount of bacteria it should go within 10 days keep and eye on it not to get to bad and just see if it clears (hope your finish dont suffer from this )

also pls dont think im being rude but you bought more fish and stuff but no test kits dont you think the water is most important befor adding the fish its a few pounds that COULD save you money ?
leave your tank as normal just let it try and go thru the bloom and settle (if)im right and its not cycled within 10-14 days it should (SHOULD) go if not then its your water and there feeding from the bad chemicals in the water and you should try sorting this asap give it a few days

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