White Stuff On Bogwoog


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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I have had this piece of bogwood in my tank 2 days after soaking for over a week.
It has this white stuff growing all over it.
Does anyone know what it is and do i need to do something with it?

Its fungus.

Remove the bog wood, scrub it all well, wash it all well. Then pour plenty of boiling water all over the wood, a few jugs full.

I had the same thing, and that worked for me, never came back.

Looks like diatoms to me, I had it on mine when I moved an old piece from one tank to another.

No matter how much I scrubbed nd boiled it, it came back and stayed around. Not sure whether the otto's or the amano shrimp sorted it, but it's all gone now and hasn't come back.

Looks like diatoms to me, I had it on mine when I moved an old piece from one tank to another.

No matter how much I scrubbed nd boiled it, it came back and stayed around. Not sure whether the otto's or the amano shrimp sorted it, but it's all gone now and hasn't come back.


Its not harmful then? If it doesnt go away I dont need to worry about it?
feel it. if its like a slimy white fluff then it will go away. Happened to every piece of bamboo i put in my tank (don't ask) and even after scrubbing it came back in like 2 days. It'll take care of itself.
I have a piece of wood that gets this too. Every so often it grows and I simply remove it by siphoning it off. It seems to be harmless, I've read several acconts of people having the same thing. The advice above from mike_nofx may offer a more permenant solution.

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