White Spot


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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This morning I noticed all my Tetra's had white spot. They are covered with white salty looking spots. The other fish look fine... :crazy:

I removed all the tetra's and put them in to a jar filled with tank water. (The water temp will drop during the day in the jar. I'll have to top it up at lunch time)

I put white spot med in the main tank and the jar.

I turned the temp up in the tank.

Should I add salt too?. I have an elephant nose fish and I don't want to kill him :unsure:


Putting the tetras in a jur will just stress the poor things out :crazy:

Put them back, and treat the whole tank. If ich is on the fish it will prbably be in the tank too. If I were you I wouls turn up the temp to about 29-30c and start a treatment of ich med

Thanks for the reply. Yes your correct I guess it will stress them more.

4 of them have died.

I am treating the tank too.

I went home at lunch and done a 50% water change.

I also noticed my elephant nose fish is ill. His skin has pealed. Looks like he has had sun burn and the skin has peeled off. I put him in the breading net as the other fish started picking at him. He swims OK and looks ok apart from the skin problem. Any ideas?.


You didn't add salt did you?

also I would not do such a huge water change whilst you are medicating, as this will only dilute the meds
I added a little (only small) bit of salt about 2 months ago.

From now on, I will do a 25% water change everyday until the problem has gone - Does that sound good?


If you use black carbon in the tank don't forget to remove it.

Thanks for the reply's

Water conditions are fine - Will post them up later when I get home

Tank has been setup for 3 months.

3 Days ago, I brought 2 plec's. I think it must have come from them.


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