White Spot On My Clowns


Feb 7, 2012
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Muskegon, Michigan
I have recently upgraded to a 130gal tank from my 55. It has been up and running with the fish in it now for 3 months. A few nights ago I added some more rock to it that I had previously cleaned very well and stored indoors for later use. I noticed tonight that my clown loaches have white spot pretty good now. I also have a black ghost knife, 6 skirted tetra, 7 torpedo barbs (newly added to aquarium 2 weeks ago), 1 bn pleco, 1 cae, and 1 clown pleco. I currently have 5 clown loaches. I know that raising the temp will help resolve the white spot but i'm worried about the torpedo barbs because their temp range is around 76 F. Will it hurt them if I turn the temp up to 82-86 range for a couple weeks? I know that the clowns and bgk are sensitive to medications so I would rather not use them as I resulted in one jumping through a small gap in the top a few years back and dont want to do that again. Please help!!

I also have had my clowns for a couple years. I bought two at first to get rid of snails (oops). Then I learned that they need big tanks and more company. I got three more from the pet store about a year ago. The two other newer ones have grown as normal but the one as stayed little and has started looking a little sickly. I'm worried that it might have "skinny Disease" any thoughts on treating it? I can transfer it to a 10gal that I have on hand if needed. Any help would be appreciated.

Other notes, I keep the water temp right around 76, Ammonia is at 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates about 20ppm. PH is right around 8. I have live plants and dose with flourish excel every day, and have for the last year done the same. we have well water that is ran through a softener also. Cant think of anything else that would be helpful at the moment. Oh and the other fish are not affected by the white spot as of yet. Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks
I can't help unfortunately, just it's strange that a couple of stones would bring a ick infestation. You would think that the clowns were stressed already. Maybe the move to a new tank, different hiding places and such?
Generally I would think that for a couple of weeks it should be ok for all fish. Just increase the aeration to the max and watch the fish for any distress not related to ick.
I was thinking the same. Also thinking the new addition of fish would be more likely to cause the stress due to they have been in the new tank for a couple months?? Guess its hard to say if your not a fish!!! :) Will turn the temp up for a couple weeks and see what happens. Most of the stone was from the original tank also. We will see what happens. Thanks for your quick reply!
I missed that you mentioned you had newly added fish, most likely cause. Ick can take two weeks without any signs at all :/ so the time frame matches. Hope you get rid of this fast with no casualties. It would be nice if you update the thread. I have clowns myself and I am dreading an ick infestation. I only treated once with seachem paraguard with absolutely no casualties but I caught it fast and that was very long time ago when I had only guppies. :lol: It's actually safe for inverts like shrimp and doesn't have the dangerous chemicals most ick medications have so I am wondering if it is safe for clown loaches too. I read on a forum on the seachem website that it was used on clowns but can't tell the outcome, but it's something to consider.
Well so far no changes. Everyone still seems happy. Temp is 82f so lets hope the little boogers go away! Anyone have any suggestions on treating my little one?
Update as of tonight, Fish seem to be doing good still. Have not seen any "flasing" yet so hopefully they wont be too stressed and it will go away soon. I also started dosing with aquarium salt at 2g/l per day for the next 14 days to hopefully kill of the ick. Was highly suggested by neale on WWM. I'm thinking after the ick is gone I am going to separate my little suspected skinny clown to a ten gal tank and treat with tetra's parasite guard and hopefully it will get better soon. Anyone have any experience with this product? Or know anyone that might have any useful information? Any help is appreciated!!! Thanks again :good:
Well updating again. Fish all look good. Eating and acting normal. Spots are slowly disappearing. Everythinh is going good. Got some trumpet snails free from lfs in a smaller tank yesterday. Would they carry ich by any chance?
Well i just found suzie my female bn pleco dead sitting at the bottom of the tank today. Dont know if it was the heat or the salt that got her but she is gone. :( very sad about that. She seemed fine last night. No sign of my clown pleco yet... Im bummed.
I just finished insulating my tank for the winter. What a pain. If only I could have my precious 6' tank upstairs.. :unsure: Oh well. Gives me time down there away from my computer! Ha.. Very sad on my loss of my little suzie.. Hope that I have no more mishaps.
No more losses. White spot gone thus far. Plants are not liking the salt treatment. Will have to do some pruning tomorrow. All good so far. Will keep heat up for a few more days right?

No more losses. White spot gone thus far. Plants are not liking the salt treatment. Will have to do some pruning tomorrow. All good so far. Will keep heat up for a few more days right?
Another update. Five of my seven torpedo barbs developed swim bladder disease and have passed now. What a bummer. Hope i can keep the other two alive now. Wow what a week. Guess thats what i get for not using the twenty gal quarantine tank. In the process of re homing my cae because he badly injured my bgk again. This has not been a good month for me! Does anyone know of torpedo barbs being so sensitive? All in all i learned my lesson the hard way. Even after reading the forum.... Thanks for the help everyone
Sorry to hear that. I haven't kept torpedo barbs. Quarantine for a tank that size in the future is best I guess but even I don't follow most of the times.
Hi, another Michigan person here (near Detroit). I'm sorry you're having a string of bad luck! Everything I've read says to keep the temp. high for 3 to 4 days after the spots are gone. That way you're sure the Ich in other stages of its life cycle is killed, too. Hope your other fish are okay!
yeah i kept the temp high for a week after all signs of spots disappeared. Its nice to see someone from somewhere close to me! Looks like i'm gonna lose all my torpedo barbs. huge bummer, really liked them. and it was 10$ a piece X7 fish.. man!! all other fish are acting normal. Guess i will have to find a new fish to like!

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