White Spot On Betta! Help!

Oh gosh! That must have scared the living heck out of you!
I've found Pimafix is better than the other "fix"s, so dose away!
(Now I need someone to come in and blare out how Pimafix has the wrong color of atoms so bettas will dematerialize in it -_-)
I think I might stick with the middle ground of only dosing a little.
Sounds good.
That spot is practically gone! I think I will treat a little more today then Do a small water change tomorrow and then hopefully he should be well enough where clean water and a new IAL will do the trick!
... He's just laying on the bottom of the tank by the heater. His Gil's are still moving and he's looking around... I fiddled with as nail and he swam up to check it out but as soon as the activity stopped in the tank he went back to just laying there...
I really hope I didn't doom him to death by saying "Dose away!"
How's the water params? Has he eaten?
Should I retake the water stats? It looks like he's got something on his back now.
Yeah, I would, and maybe try to get a pic of the new something.
He's worse with new symptoms! Making new thread! I think he's dying DX

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