White Spot And Clown Loach


the one and only
Jan 20, 2008
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my fry tank ( all over 4 months old) has my 2 small clown loaches in there for now till they are a bit bigger to go into my large tank-anyway, i got my daugter a male betta for her tank, its only small ( about 25 litres) anyway i got him home and thought he may prefer it in the larger tank- big mistake,he didnt like it at all he hid all the time, so i left him overnight with the lights off and moved him into my daughters tank in the morning.. where he is now very very happy,with 2 baby platys.. anyway i think he left whitespot in the fry tank :crazy:( never had an ill fish from my lfs-so i didnt think to Q him)
i treated with interpet anti whitespot for the first dose, and ran out of it. so i went to get more of it and there wasnt any at the shop i went to so i got protozin instead, had been over 48 hours inbetween using the interpet treatmeent, so used it the temp is up to 80 and theres is lots of aireation in there, but one of the loaches ( the runt) cant seem to shake the spots,been a week now, i have used little over half the dose that i should have used due to the loaches being in there and today is my last day to treat, i cant use salt, and all the other fish are fine.....................shall i do another round?? hes eating and swimming ok, hes still flicking, and i darent move him out of there as i did this with another loach months ago and he died overnight, im just a bit worried about over exposing the platy fry to the meds,

incidently the betta is showning NO signs of whitespot

thanks in advance, sorry its a bit long winded but i wanted you to have the full background

shelagh xxxxx
My clown loach's had this I only got rid of it last week. All I done was higher the temp to 30c for 4 days. They are showing no sign of white spots at all now and have been clear a week which is a very good sign. Not sure how ur fry would react to that type of temp tho. My Clowns had it really bad, head to tail covered too.
yes thats pretty much like this one ( head to toe) i have upped the heater already, im not going to treat anymore, just see if the heat will do it -i hope that the right thing, and as its the last day today ,if it isnt then will someone kindley let me know :).... wish someone would invent a med for white spot/clown loaches exclusivley

thanks for the advice
shelagh xxx

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