White Specs On Water Surface?


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I've had my betta tank for about 2 years, and for the first time I noticed tiny white specs floating and actually moving on water surface.

It's a 5g tank, filtered, heated.

temps are about 82

No live plants.

The only thing that changed recently was new filter insert.

At first I thought it was just dust but they're moving. Most of them are still and then few just glide this way or that way a bit. I don't see them under water.

Update, they started crawling on the tank walls.

It sounds like what I used to have, tiny bugs on the glass of the tank just above the water surface and sometimes crawling on the water. I increased the surface agitation of my tank and made sure it was full to the brim and they soon disappeared, you could try this if you haven't already :good:.
I don't really have much agitation going on, i actually have a piece of plastic hung over the filter so it doesn't create too much of a current/agitation in the water. But I'll try it thanks.

My friend said she had something similar on a new tank and her betta was going nuts and gasping for air and died shortly.
I don't really have much agitation going on, i actually have a piece of plastic hung over the filter so it doesn't create too much of a current/agitation in the water. But I'll try it thanks.

My friend said she had something similar on a new tank and her betta was going nuts and gasping for air and died shortly.

I would increase the agitation slightly, just so there is a bit of a ripple on the surface. Having still water prevents oxygen and carbon dioxide from exchanging, causing the fish in the water to suffocate as C02 builds up too much. This may have been why your friends betta didn't make it :(.

If your filter flow can't be adjusted you could add an airstone instead.

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