White Lump On Ram's Head: **updated With Pics**

Myxazin mainly treats the bacteria in the water.
Anti internal bacteria med by intepet treats the fish inside.
The waterlife meds is for parasites.
Myxazin mainly treats the bacteria in the water.
Anti internal bacteria med by intepet treats the fish inside.
The waterlife meds is for parasites.

Surely though, this is an external ailment rather than internal?
Lumps can be internal bacteria as they are filled with fluids.

I would try another round of the interpet med, if no change will have to look into something else.
The problem is the healthy fish will start to build a resistance up to meds, so if they ever become ill the med might not work, that's why is always best to issolate sick fish.

You could buy the waterlife med myxazin it's up to you.
Lumps can be internal bacteria as they are filled with fluids.

I would try another round of the interpet med, if no change will have to look into something else.
The problem is the healthy fish will start to build a resistance up to meds, so if they ever become ill the med might not work, that's why is always best to issolate sick fish.

You could buy the waterlife med myxazin it's up to you.

It's less a lump and more pitted. It's such a strange thing - I just don't know. I just don't want to be dosing the tank with incorrect meds.

Is the Myxazin in your opinion useful on open wounds/infected areas - or is it purely to dumb down bacteria in the tank?

Many thanks Wilder
There hole in the head can start of as pitting, but also can start of as sores.
Get you some info to rule it out.
Myxazin will help on external problems, but not on internal infections.
See what you think.

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