White Lump On Ram's Head: **updated With Pics**


Fish Fanatic
Jan 29, 2007
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Hi all

I bought a blue ram recently and in the last few days he seems to have developed a large white ulceration/spot above its eye on top of its head. About the size of its eye. I've never seen this before on any of my fishes - any idea what it could be? It's not fluffy.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.

Can you describe the lump in more detail.
Is the lump raised like filled with fluid.
Does it look hard.
Any redness to the lump.
Just want to make sure the lump dosn't look like a cauliflower.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph.

Can you describe the lump in more detail.
Is the lump raised like filled with fluid.
Does it look hard.
Any redness to the lump.
Just want to make sure the lump dosn't look like a cauliflower.

Hi Wilder

It's a 240 L tank
2x Angels, 2x Blue Rams, 4x Keyholes, 4x Schwartz Corys, 6x Rummynose Tetra, 1x Bristlenose Plec
Ammonia: 0, Nitrite: 0, Nitrate: <25, pH: 7 on the nose, Temp: 25C

In tank: Medium planted, slate cave, 2x bogwood, 1x 12" mopani bog wood branch, sand substrate

It's difficult to describe the lump. It started off as a very small white lump, which looked like he'd injured himself on something (like scratched it on rock), but it just seems to get bigger. It's pure white, no redness and looks quite hard. It doesn't look like a caulifllower - it's quite smooth and round - more like an ulcer. I think there's a small crater in it too. It is raised like it's filled with something.
Any ideas?

For now I would take the bacterial route.
Can you issolate the fish for treatment.
For now I would take the bacterial route.
Can you issolate the fish for treatment.

I can't isolate the fish, as I don't have a med tank still (grr)
The white lump seems a little smaller this morning but not by much. Perhaps it just developed into a sore from injuring itself somewhere in the tank. I'll just keep an eye on it I guess.
I have the exact same thing on one of my Panda Cory's. Seems to be slightly smaller than when I first got him and doesn't seem to be causing any problems. Also hasn't spread to any other fish in the tank. I also don't have a med tank so I'm worried now.
If the lumps going down in size it sounds like the fish is healing it's self.
Keep an eye on the fish to make sure the lump dosn't start to get bigger.
Good luck.
Sorry to refer back to this email again, but just an update and wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

The white lump is now more of a patch, and is not raised any more, and has not grown in size. However, it has not really shrunk in size either. This has been present for around 3/4 weeks now. The ram seems pretty much happy, and is still eating well.

I did treat the tank with anti-bacterial med a week or two ago.

Any suggestions of what it might be, or whether anyone's had a similar experience?

Many thanks!
Sorry to refer back to this email again, but just an update and wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

The white lump is now more of a patch, and is not raised any more, and has not grown in size. However, it has not really shrunk in size either. This has been present for around 3/4 weeks now. The ram seems pretty much happy, and is still eating well.

I did treat the tank with anti-bacterial med a week or two ago.

Any suggestions of what it might be, or whether anyone's had a similar experience?

Many thanks!

I had a similar problem on an angel fish once, i gave him a treatment that was for ulcers and internal bacteria, he got better within a week. Dont know what was wrong with him though but it seemed to work.
Hi all

Sorry to bump this, but here's some photos I managed to take and upload: Would this help with diagnosis? (Links below)

Could anybody give some indication of what this might be, and how to treat it (bearing in mind I unfortunately do not have a medication tank).

The ram has had this for about a month now - is still eating fine and swimming around the tank quite happily - it's not decreasing or increasing in size.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks!

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
I would add the bacerial med again.
What was the name of the bacterial med you used?
The problem with uk meds is that they not that strong so sometimes they will not cure a bacterial infections once there advanced.

The patch looks fluffy in the pics is this correct.
I would add the bacerial med again.
What was the name of the bacterial med you used?
The problem with uk meds is that they not that strong so sometimes they will not cure a bacterial infections once there advanced.

The patch looks fluffy in the pics is this correct.

The bacterial med I used originally was Interpet No.9 Parasite treatment. I've also used a broader spectrum No.5 General Tonic.

The white patch looks fluffier on the photograph to be honest, looking at the fish it's more like a rough white patch that sticks out ever so slightly.

I have Waterlife Sterazin - would this help at all?
No9 interpet are you sure it was a parasite med and not bacterial.
The tonic meds are a complete waste of money.
You need anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Just looked it up its is bacterial med.

No 9 Anti Internal Bacteria 100ml
ANTI INTERNAL BACTERIA No 9 : Cures diseases with symptoms such as bacterial gillrot, dropsy, ulcers and septicaemia

For use with coldwater and tropical fish in marine or freshwater systems

A treatment of 2 doses added directly into the aquarium
No9 interpet are you sure it was a parasite med and not bacterial.
The tonic meds are a complete waste of money.
You need anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

Just looked it up its is bacterial med.

No 9 Anti Internal Bacteria 100ml
ANTI INTERNAL BACTERIA No 9 : Cures diseases with symptoms such as bacterial gillrot, dropsy, ulcers and septicaemia

For use with coldwater and tropical fish in marine or freshwater systems

A treatment of 2 doses added directly into the aquarium

Yup, sorry - that's the stuff I used before - there was no discernable difference after using it.

Would either Waterlife Myxazin or Sterazin help with this?

It looks more like a white ulcer or something?

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