White Growth On One African Cichlid, Is It Ich?


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
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One of my african cichlids has a white growth coming out of its eye, on its side and on its back fin. It's not really a white spot per se, but its more like algae growing on the fish that is snow white. Is this ich? Thanks!

Does it look fluffy in appearance or stringy.
Sounds like columnaris to me didn't you have mouth fungus in your tank a while back.
Does it look fluffy in appearance or stringy.
Sounds like columnaris to me didn't you have mouth fungus in your tank a while back.

Never had a fungus before, but the more I look at internet sources the more this looks like a general fungus and not ich. Thanks for the reply! I'm going to wait 10 or 15 minutes to see if anyone has any major objection to this being a fungus and then run out to the lfs and get an anti-fungal.
can you get a pic. Fungus can look like a fluffy white cloud. If it was ich then it would be pretty flat to the skin
as lame as this sounds I don't have a camera. I would err on the side of fluffy white cloud - its definitely not flat to the skin. So I'm positive its either columnaries or a fungus. How would I tell the difference?
A true fungus is rare, columnaris is common, i would treat with a bacterial med like myxazin and pimafix.
Thanks, I'll try that. No other fish affected yet so hopefully we're good. Thanks for the help

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