White Dots?

Nov 26, 2005
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Oregon USA
I bought a piece of live rock that had a bunch of relatively symmetrical circular white dots. Maybe a millimeter each in size. Within a week, they had spread to other parts of the tank, usually appearing in groups on other rocks and on the glass, they even grow on the snails. They are kind of hard to scratch off, leaving an imprint of the outside circle when they first come off, requiring a little more scratching to get the rest off. Im sure theyre not harmful but im just curious. Anyone know what these might be? Any similar experiences? At first we thought they might be calcium deposits, but then realized that they came in on the rock and weren't just random. Any insight would be great.
Hi, not sure why you havent received any replies....?? i can only think it might be white spot but you would need someone else to verify???
Yeah actually they do kinda look like that, sounds reasonable too

Thats what i thought at first and freaked out but then i started thinking that i dont think ich goes on walls, plus none of the fish had them and they are all healthy.
Sounds more like White Coroline Algea to me
NOt sure what they could be but perhaps they could be flat worms. Do they move at all?
I know exactly what you are talking abut and I have the same question, I can take pictures if you like. Today I took a dry erase marker qand marked all the lokcations so we shall see if they move at all but my fresh water ones never did (trust me, they looked exactly the same) and they werent snail eggs as I had pond and apple snails in the tank (apples died unfortunately, but these things were everywere, including the snail shells) I'll try to take some pics tomorrow but its hard to get pics of things on the glass.

Sorry I have no answer for you
Yes please do take a picture. Ive never heard of white coralline algae b4 but that would kinda suck cuz then itd prolly never go away! Nope they dont move. Thanks for your replies every1!

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