White Cloudy Water


New Member
Sep 20, 2008
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Vancouver B.C. Canada
Ok so 6 weeks ago I bought a bare 75 gallon tank, filled it with sand and tranfered my fish from the 25 gallon tank along with the Hob filter from the 25 gallon along with a new AC 110. After a about 3 weeks, I figured my new filter had built up enough BB so I added 4 2" gold fish acouple of days later I added 9 white clouds, within a few days I noticed my water started looking like some one had dumped milk in my tank. I did a 45 gallon water change and every few days a 15 % change.
After reading up I believe that this is a bacterial bloom caused by the increase in bio from the new fish and that the best bet is a minimal feeding schedule and only 10% water change once a week ?

Yesterday I moved some of the fish out and back to the 25 gallon along with the AC 30 filter and bought another AC110 to put on the 75 gallon and stuck a power head on as well.
Here is a pic to show the cloudiness level.
Moving the fish back out was a good idea, from the sounds of things you haven't cycled your filters?
If thats the case please take a look at this thread: Filter Cycling
Moving the fish back out was a good idea, from the sounds of things you haven't cycled your filters?
If thats the case please take a look at this thread: Filter Cycling

one of the filters was cycled with media from my ac 30 the new ac 110 on the left was not it was added yesterday when I moved some fish into the 25 gallon along with the ac30 filter .
So do you now have 2x AC110's on the 75 gallon?

3 weeks is cutting it kind of close for filter cloning, so if you are intending to have ALL you fish in one tank eventually I think it would be worth putting them all into the 75 Gallon along with all the filters again, for at least 4-5 weeks.
If the AC30 was already cycled for your current fish load then it will still be able to cope with those fish in the 75 gallon.
The AC110's however will be struggling to cycle without the bacteria feed from the AC30.
Having everything in one tank will be the best way to proceed I feel. Remember not all bacteria blooms are bad. Did you test your water parameters at all when you noticed the bloom?
If not are you able to test the parameters of each tank now? (ph, ammonia, nitrite) ?

Wait for another opinion if you like, but I really would be tempted to put all fish and all filters over to the 75 gallon.
unfortunatley 4 of the fish are cray fish and they were not getting enough to eat as my goldies would take the sinking pellets right out of thier mouths. I just gave away 2 of my oranda's and am giving away 6 lepoard danios tonight, I will then be left with 15 white clouds 4 fancies under 3 inches and 2 weather loaches , only 2 of these fancies were added along with 9 white clouds after going from the 25 to the 75 gallon.

I am unable to check my water and will be picking up another test kit asap.

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