white cloudy aquarium

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Jul 15, 2003
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I have just set up an aquarium (tropical 60 litres).
Left the tank for a few days to settle then added (6 neons + 2 red finned sharks + Siamese Fighter) after about 6 hours and first feed the aquarium became (white) cloudy, have i just got a
bacteria boom ??????

Lots of regular water changes sort me out ??????
Yup sounds like a bacteria bloom. You added a bit to many fish i think. I would watch the readings. You should see about getting some bio spira or see if your lfs will give you a bit of gravel from an existing tank. This will help speed the process. If your ammonia gets high, do a partial WC, 10% or so till it comes down a bit. This will extend your cycle time but may save your fish.

Another thing you have to be concerned about is the sharks. Your tank is roughly 15 US gal right? Not sure on the conversion but i think this is correct. They will probably start fighting as they mature. Also they get about 5 inches as adults. At that time, your neons will be a nice snack.
red finned shark (aka rainbow shark) grow to about 8 inches (given proper room) and will fight each other as they reach maturity. I have an albino and a regular one and I'm very lucky in they don't fight. they stay on opposite sides of my 55 gallon and only chase one another if one should venture to the others side.

Thanks for the advice, last night completed a water change and added some aquaclear this morning seems a lot better I will leave it another couple of days and do the same.

Do not worry about the red finned sharks I have another tank for them when they get bigger.

I will post again when I have completed another water change.

But please any more help would be appreciated.


Completed another water change and took readings of water quality and everything is improving.

Thanks again everyone

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