White cloud acting funny


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I was watching my white clouds today and noticed one was not schooling with the others. When it did try and school with the others they would chase it away. It's more pale in color that the others. Just now I noticed it flashing against a pot and some plant leaves. I can't see any spots or anything that looks like parasites.

The temp in the tank is 26-27. I was told that these fish can live in basically any temp of water as they are very adabptable.

I dont know what to do...I read with neon tetra disease it's best to get the fish out of there before it affects the other fish but that the disease will keep spreading unless the core issue is dealt with. I don't know what the core issue would be? They are the only fish in the tank along with a dwarf cichlid and doesn't bother them one bit.


edit: I am going to do a water change as I read flashing can be due to high NitrItes, differences in ph or ammonia. I put a pot in there the other day and some new plants. At the moment the fish seems to be swimming with the group (still getting chased a bit) and isn't so pale. I think I might have 2 different species as a few of them seem to be bigger, more brightly colors and more flowy fins whereas 1-2 seem to have short fins, are smaller and more dull. Maybe they 2 species dont get along? :dunno:
I just found out that the one not schooling with the rest is the normal white cloud minnow and the rest are the longed fin type. The regular ones colors are more dull than the long-finned ones so it's not pale thats just how it looks.

Still not sure what the flashing was about but it hasn't done it since I did a 30% water change. It was time for a water change though so it could be just something as small as that. I hope so.
Well I can't see anything and I only noticed it today for a short time and I immidiately did a 30% water change and I haven't seen it do it since :dunno:

I just read this:

Clinical signs: Fish rub against solid objects and "flash" when they turn to rub their sides giving a flash of silver colour as their undercarriage is exposed. They may also leap out the water.

Possible causes: This indicates some form of irritation of either the skin or gills.

1) This could be caused by raised levels of ammonia, nitrite or high/low pH. Widely fluctuating diurnal shifts in pH can also cause irritation. Check all water parameters.

2) Irritation can also be caused by ectoparasites such as flukes, Trichodina, white-spot etc on the skin or gills. Do a skin scrape of 2-3 fish. Examine the gills.
Just keep an eye on the fish poor water quality can cause a fish to flash, parasites, does he look irratated by something, going pale is a sign of stress, check the gills to make sure they are not pale or red and inflamed.
Wilder said:
Just keep an eye on the fish poor water quality can cause a fish to flash, parasites, does he look irratated by something, going pale is a sign of stress, check the gills to make sure they are not pale or red and inflamed.

Well after reading somemore I have now read that they should be kept in a tank with maximum temp at 24 and mine are at 26-27 so I lowered the heater by half a degree and will see what the temp drops too.

They say they can only withstand higher heats for a short period of time and I've had them at this temp for about a month. Could the wrong temp cause them to be irritated and flash?

No he really isn't pale...the reason why i thought he was pale was because I didnt realize hes the short finned white cloud and the others are the long finned types and from what I have read they are a lot brighter in color.

I cant see any spots on him..he looks very healthy. Fins are all perfect.

I dont know..I'll keep an eye on the tank...I might have to take him back to the shop seeing as the others are bullying him. I thought both types would get along fine but maybe not? :dunno:
Sorry never kept them but stress can cause desease so i would jus keep an eye on him and observe him, no way you can issolate him.
My white clouds have been at 80 for a year now and they dont flash. I would be looking for a disease or water quality as the source of the problem.
black angel said:
My white clouds have been at 80 for a year now and they dont flash. I would be looking for a disease or water quality as the source of the problem.

I know the ones I bought were kept at a temp of about 25 though and they had been there awhile. The guy told me though they could live in a tank up to 28. I'm thinking maybe it was just a one off thing..I know fish do flash and rub against things if they have an normal itch because he hasn't been doing it anymore. Maybe it was just the water needed to be changed.
What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph?
Since before you noticed the flashing have you added anything new to the tank?
black angel said:
What are your readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph?
Since before you noticed the flashing have you added anything new to the tank?

I dont have a test kit for ammonia but
NitrAte is 15
NitrIte is 0
pH is between 7.5- 8.0

These are results I just took now so before the water change the NitrAtes were probably higher :/ I've never had nitrAtes as high as this before usually the color on the stick is faint pink around 5-10 but this time it's more pink/purple 15. Could that be what the probelm is? I'm starting to think so.

edit: he still hasn't flashed since I did the water change though. The only new thing I added to the tank is another clay pot for my dwarf cichlid.

edit again: also since when I did the water change I also turned on some air bubbles from my filter...before I didn't have the air on so maybe it was a combination of needing a water change and low oxygen??

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