White bump growing on Tetra's nose?

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You ask for help or opinions. Please don’t be ugly with replies. People are only trying to help and you are being rude.

It is what it is.. this is my last post in this forum so I figured I'd go out with a bang. This forum isn't at all what I thought it was. Its actually overflowing with misinformation, confusion and general hysteria. I've learned very little from the hours I've spent here. these people seem knowledgeable on the surface but ultimately you come to learn they actually know very little, and are mainly basing their advice off personal experience/heuristics. Weak sauce.
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Colin.. Byron..Juicebox.. these people seem knowledgeable on the surface but ultimately you come to learn they actually know very little, and are mainly basing their advice off personal experience/heuristics. Weak sauce.
well I will keep my 40 years of personal fish keeping experience, and 20 years of retail fish keeping experience to myself then and good luck to you in another forum.
No, @Colin_T. You are respected and very knowledgeable. You keep giving your advice. OP is free to leave.
Just curious, what other experience are we supposed to go by? Our own as well as confirmed science or....?
well I will keep my 40 years of personal fish keeping experience, and 20 years of retail fish keeping experience to myself then and good luck to you in another forum.

Just curious, what other experience are we supposed to go by? Our own as well as confirmed science or....?

I'm sorry I singled you guys out by name, especially since you have all basically responded to every post I've made here. I just find myself frustrated having spent an incredible number of hours on this site, only to have continually inconsistent, conflicting information given. Yesterday I made a post asking about water changes during a fish-in cycle, and the comments were filled with people telling me to use de-chlorinator. WTF?

Again, I'm sorry for what I said. That was really un-called for considering how willing you all have been to provide advice and opinions. Just kinda sucks how little I've been able to learn from this site over the last month.
That's okay :) it can be frustrating sometimes. What conflicting info were you given?
Everyone has there own experiences and opinions. You thank them all or, kindly correct them so they may learn also. I use to be on another forum that was the same way. You listen, use your common sense, and then do what makes sense to you. I will advise you though, that @Colin_T and @Byron are probably the most knowledgeable people on here. Don’t step on their toes too had because I guarantee that someday you’ll need there advice. As far as the rest of us, we’re learning and growing smarter each day. If we screw up, we take note and add it to our book of knowledge. Except salt...I just can’t get some of them to remember which salt is for what (bang my head against the wall). @PheonixKingZ and @JuiceBox52. :rolleyes:
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